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paper rings

"The moon is high
Like your friends were the night that we first met
Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet
Now I've read all of the books beside your bed"


kit connor


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"I'm okay, Addie, I promise."

maya hawke

"You're my brother, Riley, I'm always going to worry about you

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"You're my brother, Riley, I'm always going to worry about you."

leah williamson

"I know I'm not actually your sister, Rory, but I love you as if you were my brother

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"I know I'm not actually your sister, Rory, but I love you as if you were my brother. You can trust me. Talk to me. Please?"

jules leblanc

"I'm not going to push you at all, but

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"I'm not going to push you at all, but.. just know, you can talk to me, Eli, I'm not going anywhere. Not now. Not ever."


Okay, so this book will include Wonze and Meadema, but I'm ngl, I have no idea on the timelines of those, so even though I know, Beth and Viv at least, weren't together back in 2021, they're both together at the beginning of the book

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Okay, so this book will include Wonze and Meadema, but I'm ngl, I have no idea on the timelines of those, so even though I know, Beth and Viv at least, weren't together back in 2021, they're both together at the beginning of the book.

I would like to start of by saying, this book is fiction. It's complete and utter fiction. It's honestly bullshit. Idk how these people talk, or how they act when they're in their own homes.

This is my portrayal of them and how they treat Elias.

I have gone and found each of the matches Arsenal WFC played from the start of this book to as I'm writing this, now, I know who scored in most of them, but I couldn't tell you how the games went down

And I'm only familiar with 2022's Arsenal WFC team, so, even though the beginning takes place with a few of last years, I will be just doing it with this year's.

This book will feature the Euros, and when we get there in real life, the World Cup.

On the topic of the World Cup, if you're French, leave.

Don't actually leave, please, I love you all. But, I hate that ref.

Anyways, that's off topic now.

Point was, this is fiction, I do not write this with the intention to make anybody uncomfortable, but this book will broach sensitive topics, I'll make sure to put a tw if it goes too into detail about anything.

I ramble, so, if you've read all of this, I love you a lot. Thank you.

DEDICATED TOO, my lovelies. clexaswanheda darlingnaki

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