episode 25

140 4 2

Scene Optimus uses the hammer to upgrade the groundbridge to spacebridge 

''So I just swing with the hammer and hit the ground?'' Optimus asks Alpha Trion. 

''That's the goal.'' Alpha Trion says, Optimus nodds and lifts the hammer. The only problem is that after he hit the ground once he couldn't lift it fast enough. 

''Uhh, again?'' Smokescreen says as Optimus tries again and fails again. 

''Give me that!'' Megatron says as he grabs the hammer and hits the ground a couple of times. 

''Was that so difficult?'' He asks as he walks away. 

''Now what do you say?'' Alpha Trion asks Optimus. 

''Thank you Megatron.'' Optimus says looking at the ground. 

''Who would you be without me Prime.'' Megatron says laughing as suddenly bayverse Prime appears. 

''Time to find out.'' He says as he grabs his axe and goes for Megatron's head but bayverse Megatron manages to stop him just in time. 

''Sorry, he got a bit crazed by all the heads.'' He apologizes as the crazy Optimus gets dragged away. 

Scene Decepticons kidnapp the humans

''Look there's Knockout!'''Miko said as she waved at Knockout as he parked. 

''Get in everyone, ready to go to Cybertron?'' He asks smirking. 

''Always.'' Jack says as they all get in. 

''I don't think we should include this.'' Smokescreen says from afar as everyone else nodds. 

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