episode 2

737 14 1

Scene Starscream flies through the hall

Starscream transforms and flies away, at least that was what he was supposed to do. He hit the wall. 

''Cut.''Airachnid said. 

''Are you alright Starscream?'' Megatron asked concerned. 

''I'm fine.'' Starscream says. 

''Why are there stars we are inside?'' And he faints. 

''He's dizzy, it will pass.'' Knockout said as he grabs Starscream to prevent him from jumping out of the ship. 

''Can you fly Outknock?'' Starscream asked. 

''No, but Airachnid can.'' Knockout replied as he shoves Starscream into Airachnid arms and says: 

''He's your problem now.'' 

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