episode 21

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Scene attaching Megatron's new arm

''Do I really have to do this?'' Knockout asks looking at the arm of a Prime and then back at Megatron's arm. 

''Yes Knockout.'' Arcee says sighing. 

''Just start already.'' Megatron says, he was getting nervous. 

''Fine.'' Knockout says as they start the scene. 

During the break

''Your new arm looks terrible.'' Miko says to Megatron. 

''Tell me about it.'' Megatron says sighing, he still wasn't used to the fact that this arm had one finger less. 

''And it doesn't match your paint-job.'' Knockout adds. 

''And it's not the right model.'' Ratchet shouts from the other room. 

''Thank you, but I don't need you all telling me how bad my new arm is.'' Megatron says glaring at them. 

''Leave the poor guy alone.'' Optimus says dragging Knockout and Ratchet away while Jack drags away Miko. 

''Thank Primus.'' Megatron mumbled. 

''You're welcome!'' Primus shouted from the other room. 

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