He stands, tall, body strong and swell, ripped with muscle.

Those eyes.

The lightest pair of gray eyes I had ever seen are staring back at me and as the man slowly lifts his head his crown tilts.

He looks dark, dangerous as he stands to his feet.

The mad King sounded so fitting, sexy even.

His eyes stay on me and with a flick of his wrist the guards in the room leave immediately.

He descends the throne stairs and stands at the bottom.

Silence fills the air as tears fills my eyes.

I know I had my reservations but I still dreamt of this day for a very long time. To think there was a moment where I didn't want to come back. There was a part of me that was still lost at sea and when I took a chance and relived my life. I found that small piece I had been desperately searching for.

It was him.

"Juko." I breath.

His eyes flickers down, following the heavy tears falling down my cheeks.

"Ivy-" his deep voice rumbles but the moment I hear his voice I run across the room, his words cut short.

I jump into his arms my own going around his neck breathing in the familiarity of his intoxicating scent. I missed it more than I thought I would, the smell of wood, pines and the river.


His large arms wraps around me as he steadies himself and the tears seem to come harder. "I've missed you." I whisper through the tears.

Juko's hold tightens and I hear him let out a light breath.

A sigh of relief.

"I've missed you too baby." His hands go from my waist and slip down to my ass.

I can't help it, the moment we lock eyes gazes again I crash my lips down on his. The feel of his lips are so soft and delicate against my own. They move together allowing us to familiarize ourselves with the taste of one another. And quickly the kiss turns from soft to one of pure urgency and need the moment I moan and part my lips for his tongue.

My fingers rake through his hair and our heads tilt at a angle. Our tongue wrestle for dominance while his grip on my ass tightens greedily. He easily wins the uphill battle as another moan crawls it's way up my throat. My lungs are burning and as much as I want to pull away from the kiss to breath I can't seem to.

Those butterflies in my lower half begin to flap their wings and I can feel my panties pooling with desire and need. Juko groans taking, biting and nibbling on my bottom lip before sucking it into his mouth. Just as he lets go and my bottom lip snaps back into place I pull away from the kiss inhaling deeply.

The skin on my cheeks heat up while we both pant out loud.

We share a breath of air and I can see his eyes darkening, pink tongue coming out to lick his lips. Juko rests his forehead against mine slowly taking me all in.

"I've missed you so much." He says again softly but deep timbre of his voice does something to my insides. "I'm so sorry I let you die that night, that I wasn't looking out for you..."

I shake my head, "it wasn't your fault neither one of us knew that going was going to happen. A life for a life, you asked Shyra gave her life to me and she did just that."

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