Chapter 21

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Avni how can you do this?? Didnt you promised me that you will never hurt an innocent then how can you snatch the home of those poor children's Avni. How can you do this??

It was 8 when Neil reached home. He went to the dinning table to drink water when he saw her cooking something.

"Neil you came. Where were you?? I was waiting for you. Come ,see I have made your favourite food. "Avni said smiling at him.

"I already had my dinner outside."Neil said making her smile drop.

"What..what happened Neil?? Atleast have a little"Avni said sweetly forwarding him a spoon of full of his favourite rabri .

"I said na that I dont want to eat. Can't you understand"Neil said loudly, pushing her hand away making her shock.

Then he left while she stood there shockingly not understanding what exactly happened. This all scene was noticed by Rohit who came there to inform her something.

Reaching in the room Neil ran his hand on his hairs feeling frustated, he himself didnt knew that why he behave rudly with her but right now his mind was not working properly. He couldn't able to understand that what is right or wrong. He was very confused. His heart was saying that his Avni will never do anything like that but what about his mind, the papers which he himself saw from his own eyes, her conversation which he heard from his own ears how can he refuse that.

"Avni are you okay?"Rohit asked putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah..I am alright. What will happen to me??"Avni said turning toward him smiling fakily.

"Did you find something about the person who stole it."Avni asked trying to change the topic.

"Yes Avni it is someone from inside. Who knows everything about our security. "He said making her nod.

"Do one thing ask our team to prepare a fake report and spread the rumour around the office that we have gotten a million dollar project whose file is kept in my office."Avni said

"Okay"Rohit said and was going to turn was stopped hearing her

" Rohit take food with you and share it with others actually I am not hungry. Neil already ate so it will get wasted ,as I have made for all of us so and in the kitchen there is your favourite spaghetti also which I made for you."Avni said before turning away and walked upstairs while Rogit just looked at her feeling sad.

Entering inside their room Avni saw him lying on the bed while facing away.

Maybe he already slept.

After changing into her night suit, she went to the balcony with her laptop.
Next morning Avni wakes up do to the sunrays falling on her face, looking around she realises that she slept in the balcony itself. Looking down she see herself covered with a blanket and smiled knowing who covered her with. Getting up she entered inside the room only to find the bed empty.

Where did he went this early??

Maybe downwards.

Signing to herself she went to freshen up after taking her clothes from the cupboard.

"Here is the file"Neil said forwarding him the file.

"I must say that you are very smart."The person said taking the file in his hand.

"I did as you asked but now you have to fullfil your promise."Neil said

"Why not ?? Why not ?? I will definitely will after all you are the husband of the love of my life. Isnt it"The person said making him shocked.

"How did you know that??"Neil asked shockingly.

"Well I know everything about your past , present and future. " the Person said smirking to himself.

"But now see what I will do??"The person said making him shocked and confused.

"What..what do you mean??"Neil asked

"What do you think why I called you here at here at this wild area "He asked looking at Neil then all around. Well it was area outside the mumbai where hardly anyone comes.

"What...."Neil was going say something when suddenly he started to see black dots and just fell down.

" are mine. Only mine. You thought that by marrying a ba***rd like him you can run away from me?? Never. No one can snatch you away from me. No one."He said laughing like a psycho then looked down at Neil 's unconscious figure.

"Rohit did you saw Neil??"Avni asked coming down.

"Yes Avni he went out early in the morning for the walk."Rohit informed her making her nod.

"Okay lets leave . "Avni said

"But Avni your breakfast??"Rohit said with concern

"I will have it later now come lets leave we all have to go to the sight "Avni said walking outside.

Hello everyone.I hope you all will like it. Only 4 more chapter are left.

P/s- Its unedited so ignore the mistake

Lots of love to you all

Love you all

My Billionaire Wife (✔)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin