I turned my head around as I ran, "Come on! My legs are shorter than yours and I'm still faster—ah!" I cried out when my foot caught on something and Ulric reached out to grab me but when our hands grabbed each other I sent him falling down with me.

Ulric stared down at me and my face heated up. The laughter of Rascal and Luna voices faded as they continued to run without noticing we stopped. We both lifted our heads to check just in case and they were still running.

"Cost is clear." he said grinning. He kissed me softly on the lips and I brought my hands up around his neck. We kissed for awhile until I felt his mouth move down towards my neck and I brought my fingers up to his soft dark hair.

My head finally cleared up, "Ulric," I said, bring my hands down to his shoulders and I lifted him up. "I can't. . .you're with Harley."

He sighed annoyed as he rolled his eyes, "No we're not. She told Ian we were just to get him off our back but we're actually not. She probably thinks if she keeps calling me her boyfriend maybe I will finally agree to it."

"Why don't you wanna be her boyfriend? She is pretty." I said, frowning since I wished I could just shut up.

"Oh do you want me to be her boyfriend?" he sarcastically asked. I hit him in his chest and he chuckled, "There are allot of pretty girls in the world. But none of them are beautiful like you, you red head little weirdo." he said with a grin forming on his face. He leaned down and pecked my nose, "None of them are unique like you."

He brought his lips down to mine and kissed me again until he rolled off of me and sighed heavily. I turned on my side and propped myself up on my elbow, "What?"

"Just. . .the sky looks pretty tonight." he said, looking up at the sky and changing the subject. I laid back on the ground and looked up at the sky with him. "My mother use to tell me these old stories of the Native. Her grandfather was a Native and her grandmother was a European wolf. She always said—look to the sky when there's trouble. Each time you feel loss or scared, sad and depressed to look up at the sky and remember there is something beyond this world. It's called the universe. It's big and huge, full of suprises. It can be scary but beautiful. It's full of mystery. And the stars are the lights that help guide you." He turned his head to face me so I turned mine to look at him. His hand reached up and plucked my nose, "You're the universe, Aeriela. Full of surprises."

A small smile appeared on my face, "Uncle Ramses told me our family was from a place called Scotland. That the land was full of moutains and brightly green grass in the summers. That's why my hair is so red because allot of the people there had red hair. I don't know if that's true though because he has dark hair. Anyways, when nights when I think of my mother and get upset he told me to look up at the sky where the stars are the souls of our ancestors are. That my mother is up there, watching down on me and knows how much of a strong girl I'm becoming. And anytime I wanna see what my mom looked like I should just look at my reflection in the lake because I look just like her."

"You talk about your Uncle as if he was a different man then what we all know." he said.

I frowned at him for a moment because it was true. I known my uncle as a different man, a kind hearted man. They see a wild murderer but I saw an uncle who loved his niece to death. I grew up believeing my Uncle was the greatest wolf in the world because our kind stuff true to the wolf culture. We refused to change who were are because of humans who were weak and suppose to be food to us. I thought he was the good guy and wolves like Ulric and Mat were the bad ones. Then I met Mat and I saw a whole other person then my uncle. I became interested in the 'modern world' and wanted to leave.

"Not different, just another side of him." I said after being quiet for so long.

He cleared his throat, "Do you wanna go see a movie?"

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Where stories live. Discover now