History in the Earth

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Life sucks if you have a useless power. My power allows me to absorb energy, but the catch is that I can only absorb a certain amount. Said amount is enough to power a car battery. I'm creative with it and my intelligence allowed me to create a pair of gauntlets to harness it better. I'm thankful that my parents haven't abused me in the slightest, but I feel as though I'm adopted. For context, I look NOTHING like them. My skin is brown, my back length hair is a shiny white (his hair looks like Anasui's but without a hat), and my eyes are gold. Not only that, but I'm pretty tall as I stand at 6'6. I don't look intimidating in the slightest, but everyone treats me horribly with the exception of a few of the Union students. Surprisingly, the Avengers actually enjoy my company, even the Hulk likes to be around me. 

Issei: Hey loser!

Oh great, it's that idiot. I simply ignore him and walk away, not wanting to deal with this. It seems that he doesn't take too kindly to that as he struck me while I wasn't looking.

Issei: I was talking to you loser!

Y/N: Using the same insult twice, not really smart but this is you we're talking about.

Issei: Big talk coming from someone with a useless power. What's the point of absorbing energy if you have a limit!?

Y/N: Every power has a limit dumbass, even yours!

I sweep his legs unexpectedly, making him fall. This was a mistake as I didn't take one thing into consideration.

Random teacher: Mr. L/N! You get detention for harming a student unprovoked!

After getting out of detention, I decided to take a walk around the town as the Headmasters gave me an assignment. There's an abnormal signal coming from a forest that's a good distance away. Why they sent me I don't know. Suddenly, I get a text on my phone. Shrugging, I look at the ID and see it's from my good friend Riri Williams or Ironheart as she's called. I open the text and look at the picture she sent me.

Riri: You like me new armor?

Y/N: Amazing, It's definitely an improvement over her last armor

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Y/N: Amazing, It's definitely an improvement over her last armor.

I shoot her a text and sigh before putting away my phone. It doesn't matter anyway, I'm at the location that's making the signal. It's an abandoned base filled with overgrown plants and vegetation that seems to be protecting something. The odd thing is that the technology in this facility is incredibly advanced, even more so than Atlas. Most of the stuff is in fair condition too, just needs some light maintenance.

Y/N: Who owned this place?

Looking around, I notice some odd symbols appearing in my vision but they disappear in an instant. This isn't the first time it's happened to me and I still can't figure out what it is. I focus on the strange feeling and notice an astral projection standing there.

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