Australia Trip with Felix

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Today Chan, Felix, and I get to go back home to Australia

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Today Chan, Felix, and I get to go back home to Australia. My parents are on a business trip so I'll be staying with Felix and his family like I used to. I'm really excited to finally be back home even if it is only for a few days. 

Felix and I are in the car right now on our way to the airport. He has the Go-Pro with him so he can do his Sunshine Vlog for our YouTube channel. I'm casually just looking out the window as I sip my coffee, trying to keep myself awake.

"Sammie?" Felix said.

I look at him and give him a soft smile. I wave to the camera.

"Hi, stay," I smile once more.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just trying to wake up," I said.

"So, we are finally on our way to Australia. We are really excited about this trip because we'll finally be back in our hometown." Felix said while looking out the window.

One hand was holding the Go-Pro and the other was holding my hand. I was playing with his many rings. Mostly the one the Hyunjin go him. All three of us have matching couples rings and I find it really cute because it shows how close all of us are as friends. 

Soon we arrive at the airport and Felix puts the camera away so we can get through the metal detectors and grab our carry-ons. Felix grabs my hand and we walk to our plane. We sit down and he grabs the camera again. He shows STAYS outside as we are already in the air. I look out the window as well, the pinkish, purple sky is soothing to look at.

I put my phone down and place my head on Felix's shoulder. He looks down at me and kisses the crown of my head. I smile sleepily at him and soon fall right asleep listening to some music and Felix rubbing my arm.

I was awakened by Felix lightly shaking me. I open my eyes and see that we've landed. I guess the long practices, producing sessions with 3RACHA, and writing songs for both our album and my new solo album really put a toll on me. I needed the long nap.

"Morning sleepyhead," Felix smiles.

"Morning sunshine," I smile back.

He laughs a little and kisses me softly. We grabbed our bags and put our masks on and went on our way to meet Felix's mom and older sister, Rachel. We go through baggage claim and meet Mrs. Lee and Rachel in the middle.

Felix hugs his mom while I hug Rachel. Rachel and Olivia have always been the sibling I wish I had and they make me feel like I'm a part of the family. Felix and I switch as he hugs his sister and I hug his mom.

"How are you, honey?" She asked softly.

"I'm doing great now that we got to go home for once," I answer.

She smiles and we head to the house. Once we got there Felix and I put our stuff in his old room and we head back out to go and surprise Olivia. She's just now getting out of school and she's the only one who doesn't know that Felix and I are home. Felix and I get into Rachel's car and she drives us to Olivia's school.

"I'm feeling really nervous," Felix laughs.

"Me too," I said.

"It's been so long since we've been here, I don't really know how to react," He said while looking back at me and holding the camera.

We pull into the parking lot a little ways away from Felix's mom's car. Felix and I lean down a little so we won't be seen when Olivia walks out. Soon we get out of the car, and we saw Olivia walk to her mom's car. We crouch-walk while laughing a little. He has the camera out, recording this special moment with his sister.

Once we get close to the car, we could tell that Olivia saw us and started to open the door, but Felix got to it first and opened it.

"Are you serious?" She asked, her voice shaky.

Felix and I are laughing so hard that tears came to our eyes.

Olivia gets out of the car and hugs her brother tightly while crying.

"I was literally having a bad day," She said sobbing.

We laugh once more and my arms wrap tightly around her. Her grip on me tightened and I pulled my mask off as I continue laughing. Felix then wraps his arms around the both of us and we stay like this for a few more seconds before we all pull apart. Felix pulls me to his side as we talk for a few more minutes and then go to our own cars. Olivia now riding with us to spend some time with her brother.

We drive around our old town where Felix and I went to school and then we make it to his grandparent's house for a small visit.  We all laugh and share stories of our childhood and then we go home. Rachel and Olivia go to their rooms as Felix and I go to his.

"Today was fun," I said as I put my bag down.

"Yeah, it was. It was nice to be home for a bit," He answered.

I walk up to him and placed my arms around his neck. I played with his baby hair and smiled up at him.

"Hopefully we can do it again. I know Chan was excited to be home as well. We needed this little break after the hectic schedule we've had these past few months," 

His hands go around my waist."Yeah, we did,"

I smile once more and give him a kiss. 

"We should head to bed," Felix said.

I nod and get changed into some comfy clothes and we lay down and quickly fall asleep in the comfort of each other's arms. 

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