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"You know its not nice to eavesdrop... right?"

Enid sighed and groaned, scooching closer to the end of Bianca's bed.

"I don't care! You need to tell us everything that happened!" I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"I don't need to tell you anything." I went behind my closet door  and changed into pajamas.

"Come on, Ophelia... tell us what happened." Bianca chimed in.

"Yes, we're dying to know." I heard Wednesdays voice and I groaned.


"Yay..." Enid squealed. I sat back on my bed and laughed.

"So uh we just went to his studio shed thing and we hung out and listened to music and he drew me. Really nothing special."

"You are not good at girl talk, you know that?" Enid asked. I laughed.

"Hold on, you two came back holding hands and you came in here brighter than a tomato. Something else happened..."

I shot Bianca a sharp look as she said this, but it was too late. I sighed defeated.

"We kissed, is that what you wanted to hear?"

Bianca and Enid squealed loudly and I covered my ears. Even Wednesday cracked a small smile.

"THATS AMAZING!" They all came over to my bed and hugged me. I laughed and cringed away from them.

"Calm yourselves. It was just a kiss."

"Just a kiss?! Are you blind? You guys are clearly in love with each other."

"Its been a day Enid, you need to relax."

"I can't relax, look at this!" She showed me her hands and how her claws were out from excitement. 

"Girl..." I laughed. "Yes okay, okay it was very exciting."

"We know" Her and Bianca said at the same time.

"I'm glad you are fitting in and making friends." Wednesday looked over at me. Her eyes looked excited, she meant it.

"More then friends more like," Bianca corrected. 

"Nothings official yet!" I told them and I leaned back into my pillows. I put one over my face in an attempt to block them out, but had no luck.

"Ophavier is going strong I love it." Enid squealed.

"Ophavier?" Wednesday asked. Bianca laughed.

"Its a ship name. Its basically Xavier and Ophelia mushed together."

"What is the purpose?"

"You were there when I came up with it Wednesday!" Enid told her. Wednesday sighed sharply.

"I wasn't paying attention Enid. It seemed pointless at the time."

"Its basically just to show that people think they would go good together. Like Enjax for Enid and Ajax." Bianca further explained.

"Who are absolutely perfect together oh my gosh." I sat up quickly and looked at Enid.

"Really? You think so?" She asked.

"Girl that man is head over heels for you. I'm pretty sure he would stone himself on purpose if you wanted him to, no questions asked."

Enid giggled and her cheeks flushed.

"We haven't even said the L word yet, but I can feel it."

"Don't rush it if you don't need to." I told her, leaning back again.

"We wont, but... I do love him."

"I know. I can tell."

"Enid, we should go back to our dorm." Enid sighed and got up.

"Yeah, we should. We'll see you later guys!" She waved and made her way out of the window.

"Ophelia, you're joining the Bee keeping club, meet me on the left lawn tomorrow at lunch."

"Bees? Uhm, yes..." I loved bees.

"Good." With that she left and me and Bianca got into bed.

"She didn't even give you a choice."

I clicked off the light and pulled my blankets up.

"Nope, but its okay, I love bees."

"But they sting."

"Not if you don't give them a reason to."

We Love a Tortured Artist - Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now