The Fire

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Have you ever felt like something was off even though there was no apparent reason to? Like somethings off but you don't know what it is? Please, tell me you have, because as I'm sitting here in Biology, watching my lab partner Denis dissect a frog, all I can think about is the terrible feeling that something terrible had happened.

In my family, we don't take these feelings lightly. They always meant something its just, I didn't know what this one meant. See, my family is full of Seers and psychics and all sorts of outcasts. We knew things... things others couldn't possibly know, which is why I was so scared.

"Ophelia?" My name swam in through one ear, smashed my train of thought off of its tracks, and out the other ear, bringing me back to the classroom I was sitting in. The teacher, Ms. Gracie, crouched in front of me.

She was very tall, about six feet, which for any woman was incredibly tall. There were rumors going around that she was really a man, but I ignored them because so what if she was? There was nothing wrong with that.  

"Is everything okay? I've been calling your name for quite some time now." Everyone in the classroom was looking at me. I nodded my head and smiled slightly.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I feel just a little out of it today, I'm sure you understand." Ms. Gracie stood up.

"Of course I do, do you need anything? Would you like a hall pass so you can go to the nurse? Perhaps you just need to lay down for a bit. I understand dissection isn't for everyone."

I held back a scoff.  Dissection was one of the things I was best at... it was my and my fathers favorite pass time. I didn't say this though. If I was going to get that hall pass I had to play the part. 

"Yes, perhaps you're right. Maybe I do need to lay down for a bit. I think I'll take that pass." I glanced over at Denis. He was looking down at the table smirking. He knew I was lying. I kicked his leg under the table and he choked back a laugh. I shot him a warning look, and he silenced.

He was the type of person that would get me caught.

Ms. Gracie walked to her desk and rummaged through her desk draw. When she returned she handed me a green slip of paper which I took and shoved into my pocket. I stood up and headed to the door.

"Alright everyone, back to work!" I heard her say. She clapped her hands and went back to her desk. She sat down, and even sitting she was taller than me. I shot an apologetic look towards Denis and exited the classroom. 

I followed the long, dark hallways of the school down to the main entrance. I never intended to go to the nurses office, I just couldn't risk disappearing without a reason. I looked out the window at the pouring rain as I neared the glass doors that would lead me out of this personal hell.

A black bird landed on a bare branch outside. I smiled.

It was a raven, the bird of death...

My stomach dropped as I was reminded of the twisting feeling in my stomach. The hair on my arms rose and goosebumps formed on the back of my neck.

I heard footsteps in the stairwell behind me and, afraid of getting caught, I sprinted through the front doors and into the rain.

I started walking in the direction my gut was telling me to go, and within a few minutes, I realized I was on my regular route home. 

The rain swelled in my boots and soaked through my sweatshirt. I Loved the rain, I really did, but when I felt like this, it just made things seem ten times worse.

Especially since I was not dressed for it at all.

Especially since I was not dressed for it at all

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