Don't Be Soft on Me Now

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A/N:  Hallo :)

I just wanted to take a quick pause from the story and let you know I created a Spotify playlist based on this story. Its still in progress but is about 7 hours so far.

Its called "We love a Tortured artist" (Named after the story) and My profile is Boogie

It'll be mentioned a little bit later on when we actually meet Xavier, which I promise is coming soon. 

I figured I would actually make it into an actual playlist of songs that Ophelia listens to (Aka all the songs I listen to really) rather than just have it live in the story so I hope you guys like it <3

"What the hell is right..." I responded back to him. I finished what was left in my mug. "It was a rough night."

Denis was stilled wide eyed and staring at me, but he regained himself enough to pick the donut up and continued eating it. 

"Do you want a hug or something, I mean..." I shot him a sharp look.

"No, I'm fine, I don't need anyone to feel sorry for me."

I looked down at my hands. In reality the feeling of needing to know who did this was gnawing away at my stomach. It felt like at any moment the feeling would claw its way out of me . I shook my head.

"I brought you here, one to explain, and two... drag you along with me to say goodbye to everything I loved in this town."

"Oh, okay cool... Wait, am I one of those things? Will we have to say goodbye." I looked over at the boy whom I considered to be my best friend. His blond hair, which closely matched mine, was slicked into spikes and he had powdered sugar all over his already pale face. I smiled.

"Eventually, yes we will have to say goodbye, but not yet, not until after the funeral." I choked on the word. I felt my face getting hot and I took a deep breath. "After that, I leave almost immediately." I whispered past the lump in my throat.

"But I don't want to have to say goodbye, I'm no good at them." I sighed and handed him a napkin. I pointed at his face and he wiped his mouth.

"Don't be soft of me now, Denis. It's only Tuesday, I leave on Monday."

"I'm not looking forward to it." 

I stood up and put a ten dollar bill under the coffee cup, and on the way out, I put another 20 in the tip jar.

"okay so where exactly are we going? I'm guessing the cemetery, library, book store of fifth?"

"Those are just a few. Callahan gave me two hundred dollars for this week, but this is the only time I plan on being out, so were also going thrift shopping seeing as I have zero clothes to my name."

"Well to be fair, you do love thrift shops, especially Norgon's."

"Yeah..." I sighed. "I'm gonna miss that place."

We both walked out into the early June air. It wasn't too warm yet, but it wasn't cold either, but it was muggy from the rain yesterday and that was what I hated.

We walked along the sidewalk in silence. That was what I loved in our friendship. 

Not every second had to be filled with unimportant conversation.

The first place we went was exactly what Denis had said. Not only was it the closest to us, but it was arguably the most important. It was where we had met.

"This place brings back so many memories... but is it bad that it still gives me the heebie jeebies?"

"There's nothing to be scared of..."

We Love a Tortured Artist - Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now