Welcome Home

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Throughout most of the drive, which actually did take six days, I spent looking out of the window and sleeping. I kept my music on the whole time, trying to keep my mind off of everything tat happened.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me throughout the whole journey, but they didn't speak to me much. I appreciated this.

When we arrived I was asleep and Wednesday took it upon herself to wake me up. She had hand pull my eyes open and she stared at me. I jumped a little.

"You really like to stare don't you?"

"I wouldn't consider it staring, more observing." She explained. "We're here."

We were winding up the stone driveway up to an ornately carved iron gate. It had the name Addams bent into it along the top. It opened when we approached and slam shut once we passed it as if it had a mind of its own.

Now that I think of it though, it probably did.

Beyond the gate there was a large front yard and, despite the perfect conditions for thriving plants, all of the grass and trees were dead. 

The house was all in different shades of black and grey. It was very large and dark. It looked old, and like it could fall apart at any moment. Vines covered the sides from head to toe.

To be quite honest it scared me a little, and nothing scared me. But despite all of this, it was beautiful.

I admired it through the window as we parked in front of the door.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Morticia started, I nodded, never taking my eyes off of the house. I was leaning slightly against the door and when lurch came and opened it I nearly fell out.

Pugsley chuckled from the front step as I steadied myself. I got out of the car and put my backpack over my shoulders. I smiled sarcastically at him and he laughed harder, which turned my fake smile into a real one. 

The rest of them got out of the car and walked up the steps. I followed them and they pushed open the door to the house.

They all filed into the foyer and I was the last one to enter. Inside there was ornate decorations, deep read curtains and walls in all of the rooms I could see. The tall staircase had a red velvet carpet and golden hand rails leading up to the second floor, and there were a lot of swords. One on almost every wall.

"Your house is beautiful." I told them, looking around one more time.

"It's your house now too." I smiled. There was a soft thud next to me and I looked over. Lurch had rolled and set my luggage next to me.

"Thank you." I said to him, he grunted softly in response.

"Wednesday!" Morticia called out. I looked around. She was nowhere to be found.

"Yes, mother." I jumped about a foot into the air. She suddenly appeared right next to me.

"Where did you come from?" I asked breathlessly. Wednesday smirked slightly and looked towards Morticia.

"Why don't you show Ophelia to her room so she can get settled in and cleaned up?" Wednesday nodded once and began briskly walking away. I scrambled to pick up my luggage and follow her.

I rushed up the stairs after her and followed her down a dark hallway. She stopped in front of a dark purple door and twisted the door open.

"This is your room."

Side note: This is the bedroom I had imagined

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Side note: This is the bedroom I had imagined. You can Imagine any room you want, but I really think this one fits the character.

"Thank you." I said and walked into it. It was beautiful. It reminded me a lot of my bedroom back home.

"We took the liberty of decorating the room, stocking the bathroom, and filling the closet full of everything we assumed you liked. My mother usually is never wrong about things like this, but feel free to let us know if you need anything else."

I nodded and Wednesday turned around and left.

I walked over to the mirror on the wall and sighed. I had been in the same clothes the entire ride. I was still in my funeral dress.

I went over to the large wardrobe and pulled it open. I didn't know what I expected, but this was not it. I gasped and flicked through the hangers.

It was everything I could've hoped for and more. Oversized t-shirts, hoodies, fishnets, ripped jeans, platform boots,  3 inch chunky sneakers, and a lot of black. I almost cried...


I quickly put the rest of the clothes I brought into the closet and shoved the suitcase under my bed. I heard a light tapping at my door and went over to open it.

When I looked into the hall I thought no one was there, but then I felt a soft tap on my boots and looked down. It was Thing. 

He ran past me and jumped onto my bed. 

"Hello." He waved at me and made a bunch of motions with his hand.

"Is- Is that sign language?" 

Thing... nodded? Or well the hand equivalent of nodding.

" Well I don't know much so you'll have to be patient here with me."

He nodded again and slowly signed something out. It took a moment for me to process is all but I finally got it.

"Yeah, I think I'll be fine. Right now its just kind of a lot to deal with. You all seem lovely and I'm sure I'll warm up to all of this I just think I need a minute."

Thing signed that he understood. He crawled up onto the pillow and laid down. I smiled softly and picked out some clothing which I took with me to the bathroom.

I took a shower and did everything that I needed to do to get cleaned up and I was grateful that Morticia had managed to guess my favorite smelling soaps.

I blow dried my hair and inhaled the vanilla fondly. It was the first comforting thing I've experienced in a few days, and I welcomed it immensely.

When I came out of the bathroom I saw thing still sitting on my pillow. I got into the bed too and played my favorite playlist softly into the background.

Slowly and gently I fell asleep while admiring my new room.

Despite everything that happened, and how much it hurt, I think Callahan was right.

Maybe everything would be alright.

We Love a Tortured Artist - Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now