Outcast amongst Outcasts

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I woke up the next morning to Bianca tapping my shoulder. I shot up and looked at her.

"You... are a heavy sleeper. I woke up to your alarm, and you didn't" I sighed and pulled the blankets off.

"I'm sorry. I usually wake up to it, I don't know why i didn't this time." She laughed and shrugged it off. "Just get up, we need to get to breakfast."

I got out of bed and slipped into my uniform. It fit perfectly, which honestly was kind of upsetting. I liked my clothing big.

I put on my platform Docs and brushed through my hair, then me and Bianca both went to the bathrooms to wash our faces and brush our teeth.

"You ready for the first day of the next five months." I put my backpack over my shoulder.

"Absolutely not... but lets go anyways." Bianca laughed and we walked down the steps together out onto the quad.

The first person I noticed was Enid, her blond hair with pink and blue tints stood out. Next to her was Wednesday. I smiled at them and waved.

"I'll meet you by that door over there at the end of breakfast." She pointed at the dark wooden doors at the far end of the quad. I agreed and went towards Wednesday.

"Hi!!" Enid greeted me, reaching out for a hug. She stopped herself before she did and I laughed. "Are you okay with hugs?"

"Sure." I replied and she smiled, pulling me into a tight hug. 

"Good morning." Wednesday said when we stopped hugging. Thing jumped out of her bag and onto my arm.

"Morning... how was your night."

"Awful, just how I like it" She said. "Surprisingly it feels good to be back here."

"Hey guys..." Xavier and Ajax walked over to our little group. Enid greeted him with a smile, then walked away with Ajax.

"Xavier." Wednesday greeted him as well. I stayed silent.

"Wednesday." He said back, copying her demeaner. "I really appreciated all those text you didn't send over the summer."

Wednesday let out a sharp sigh and walked away.

"Ouch..." I said and chuckled softly.

"Indeed. How did you sleep?" He asked me.

"Surprisingly good, which was more than I expected." He nodded.

"Hey, I didn't cause anything between you and Bianca did I?"

"Why would you have?"

"Well I was really close to you and we used to date, so I didn't know..."

"No you were fine, in fact, she actually warned me about you."

"Let me guess, she wants you to stay away from me." Xavier sighed.

"No, just that I should be careful cuz you like to move fast, and because you like Wednesday."

He raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know what to say to that, she doesn't know what she's talking about. Besides even if I did, Wednesday clearly doesn't like me back."

I smiled a little.

"So you do like her."

"I never said that."

"Mmmm you kind of did. It's cute though, I wish you luck."

"I- What no, I don't-"

"Ophelia!!" Enid called me over to a table across the quad. I smiled and walked away from Xavier, leaving him stuttering there.

"What's up?" I asked. Enid looked at me a little sheepishly.

"Well... I wrote about you on my blog..."

"Okay and?"

"I told everyone about your powers and now I think everyone is scared of you."

I looked around the quad. A few people were staring at me and i sighed.


"I'm Sorry!! I didn't mean to!"

I laughed a little bit. I wasn't to worried about it. I'm sure I would be able to sort it all out eventually.

"It's okay, It's only everyone's first impression of me, no biggie." Enid whimpered slightly. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Enid, I'm just joking. It's okay really. I'm used to being the least popular in school."

She sighed.

"Okay good, I thought you would hate me." I shook my head.

"No chance, but now it looks like I'm gonna be the outcast in  school full of outcasts."

Wednesday smirked a little.

"You'll give me a run for my money."

I looked around the quad again. Xavier was watching me from his seat, but once he noticed I saw him he looked back down at his sketchbook. I sighed and looked down at the table. I remembered my sketchbook, or rather notebook from Callahan, that was now full. I would have to get a new one soon before I started doodling on my clothes again.

Everyone busied themselves with eating their breakfast and going over their class lists. Wednesday and I had fencing and Plants together. Enid and I had math...

We learned that we both dreaded math.

There was a loud clapping from the center of the quad and everyone turned to look. It was principal Weems.

"Good morning, and welcome to your first day at Nevermore Academy! I am sure by now you have all gotten your class lists and uniforms, and you may come to me with any problems or concerns you may have. Now! Off you go and I look forward to hearing about your first day!"

We all stood up.

"I'll see you guys later okay?" I told them and I walked over to the doors where Bianca was waiting for me.

"Ready?" I looked at her wide eyed. "Wait, let me guess. Nope?"

"You know it..."

Bianca laughed and led the way to English.

"Did you read Enid's blog?" I asked her. She rolled here eyes and nodded.

"Yeah, but don't worry, I'll make sure everyone knows that you don't steal powers." I laughed.

" A couple of people are going to walk to Jericho after classes. That's the little town a few miles away. Do you want to come?"

I thought about my little sketchbook dilemma.

"Sure, sounds fun..." I said and we pushed open the doors to the first class of many.

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