"A lone rakkida," Tavra said quietly, gripping the hilt of her sword tighter. Onica chose not to look, and instead buried her head in Nith's shoulder.

"We cannot be sure," Athyra corrected, shifting her feet into fighting stance. 

"If we were surrounded, we would know it." Tavra assured. 

Suddenly, without warning, the ferocious beast let out a mighty roar and lunged from the bushes, racing toward them like a swift storm. Claws tore into the soft ground, the grass battered into a pulp and stained by the frothy foam spewing from it's jagged mouth. The beast was hungry and ready to kill. "It comes!" Tavra shouted, instinctively pushing Athyra away.

As if their choreography was planned, both Athyra and Tavra dashed to the side and crouched into fighting positions, their swords held to the side, ready to strike. Onica could only watch in frozen fear as they danced gracefully around the snapping jaws of the creature, waiting for the perfect chance to land a blow. Yet the speed of the animal was so deadly and precise, both warriors struggled to maintain their composure. With each swipe of it's massive claw, their clothing became torn at the edges where the sharp tips caught. With each bite they could feel the razor teeth graze their delicate skin. The feral nature of this fight was nearly too much for either to handle.

Yet eventually, as the creature's energy began to deplete, Athyra noticed it's staggered momentum and finally found an opening to strike. "Tavra!" she called out, running in her direction. "Strike! Strike now!" 

Tavra immediately recognized her tactic. As the beast chased after Athyra, distracted by the forward motion, Tavra crouched and swung her blade behind her. She narrowed her eyes and focused on the monster's cold stare. Just as she was about to collide with Tavra, Athyra made an abrupt leap sideways, sending the rakkida's full force straight at her. But Tavra was ready. With the grace and fluidity of a master swordsman, she leaned to the side and swung her blade forward, slicing the creature's hard flesh across the belly.

The force of it's weight knocked her to the ground, but the blow was successful. She was sure of her victory. Yet as both turned toward their opponent once more, their heart's sank as they suddenly realized the strike was not enough. The rakkida's armored body was far too impenetrable, and only one single blow was not near enough to dismantle it's rage. Unfazed, it swung toward them once more, readying itself for another strike. In that moment it seemed as though this was a battle they could not win, and as both warriors prepared themselves for another round of vicious battle, dread overtook them, their swords trembling with nervous energy.

But then---


A tremendous noise shook the ground around them. The force of the displaced air knocked them backwards, sending Tavra and Athyra tumbling into Onica. As the group quickly regained their composure and returned to their feet, they all realized with great amazement, the rakkida was gone. It was dead. When the dust cloud of dry soil began to settle, they peered through the sandy mist to discover the creature's body smashed beneath what appeared to be a large tree trunk; a trunk that had not been there before.

A low groan vibrated the trees around them, causing the leaves to shake and rattle with the resonate tone. And as they gazed upward toward the sound, they realized the trunk was a huge leg. A leg which belonged to a very familiar creature to the forests of Thra. A seedle. Seedles were massive animals, with wide faces, slitted glowing eyes, and enormous bodies which held entire small forests on it's back. They proceed across the landscape on all fours, lumbering through the lands of Thra with thriving ecosystems attached to their skin. Yet as enormous and threatening as they may have appeared, they were in reality gentle giants with a peaceful and prosperous energy.

"A seedle!" Onica gasped in a moment of pure excitement.

Athyra skipped forward and pointed her blade at it's face. "Do we fight?" She asked, still shaken from her battle.

"No!" Onica stepped in front of her and held her arms down, still cradling Nith tightly. She walked forward slowly and locked her eyes on the animal's broad, happy face. Although spoken word was clearly not feasible for communication, she felt as though it was not needed to understand the energy of this ancient creature. "He is a friend." She spoke softly, turning to give a comforting look to her companions. She faced it once more and stretched her hand outward, gently touching it's sappy lips. The sap smelled sweet, and as the creature let out another delicate growl, she could see it's wooden teeth and mossy tongue. It was a true child of nature.  

As the group looked on in wonder, the seedle raised one huge wooden paw into the air. A single claw extended, as if it were motioning to something just beyond the cliff. In unison, they followed the creature's arm and turned toward the ocean. It did not take them long to realize what they were suppose to see, as each immediately noticed a tall, thin standing stone jutting from the waves just off the coast line. Athyra moved to the edge of the cliff and removed a monoscope from her belt. When she focused the lens on the top of the stone spire, she could clearly see the outline of a Gelfling statue fixated to the top of the structure.

Tavra came beside her, covering her eyes from the sun to see clearly. "What is it?" She asked. 

Athyra collapsed her monoscope and smiled. "Our path." She answered.    

Yet just then, as their spirits were renewed by the remarkable realization of discovery, the seedle suddenly fell to the ground behind them, shaking the earth beneath their feet again. The group jumped backward instinctively, huddling together as a new sensation of unexpected fear ran through them. As they observed the creature from a distance, they watched as the legs and body of the seedle quickly grew new roots. Vines, branches and thorns spread from every crack in it's skin, diving deep into the soil around it, until nearly half of it's body was burrowed under the rocky terrain, melting into the ground. 

"What is happening to it?" Tavra inquired worriedly, clutching Onica's shoulder. 

"It's dying!" Athyra chimed in, covering her weathered lips to hide her emotion. 

Onica crept forward to study the animal's actions more closely. "No," she corrected in a soothing tone. She smiled to herself as she watched the transformation taking place. "It's life has just begun." As the seedle finally surrendered itself to Thra, the body of the gentle beast merged completely with the ground, becoming a brand new growth of forest. The trees became tall, the leaves grew bright with a healthy green glow, flowers bloomed, and colorful insects sprang to life, buzzing through the air around them. As with all spirits of this great planet, their imminent return to the earth was the very cycle of life itself. Through this act, Thra was given life. The very life which now flowed through their veins. It was given hope, change, and new vibrancies. In this moment, now standing as one, the friends felt equal. As if all the new life around them was a part of their very essence. A part of their soul. "Ends and beginnings are all the same." 

[Dark Crystal theme crescendos] 


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