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Athyra's Cunning in Battle! By the Bones a New Course is Set!

Athyra raced back up the stairs before Loe could speak another word. Wave Xeric was all she needed to hear. Footsteps became thunderous and frantic as she bounded up the slippery wooden steps, now drenched with salty water from the exploding waves around them.

As she reached the upper deck once again, she looked to the sky, but found no comfort in the black vail. The three sister moons were low in the sky, and cast no shadows or silhouettes. She could only listen. And then she heard them. The unmistakable sounds of monstrous wings fluttering in the night air, throwing unnatural gusts of wind down onto the deck, kicking sand and dust into the faces of the pained sailors. 

Athyra's crew rushed from one corner of the ship to the next, grasping tight to their swords and gathering spears from weapon racks at the base of the masts. With every step, dodging metal projectiles and small smoke bombs falling onto the ship in a rain of charcoal sand.

Now Athyra could see them. Tracing and following the direction of the falling bombs, her eyes focused on the sky directly above their heads. There, just barely visible in the blackness, were the outline of four giant birds resembling the ocean gulls, yet each large enough to carry a handful of Gelfling on their backs. The Blue Gullwings of the Wave Xeric.

"Loe!" Athyra called out, turning to face him as he ran past. He stopped immediately and stepped in front of her. "Have your men summit the masts, put all the torches out. And signal to the other ships," she gazed into the air again. "They can't see in the dark."

"Right away!" he concurred, running back into the commotion. 

At that moment, Athyra spotted Tavra running toward her at full speed from the bow of the ship. "Tavra! Over here." She waved to her.

Tavra caught sight and jogged to her side. Her sword in hand, ready to surrender any foe. "What is going on, Athyra?" Tavra shouted.

"Any soldier should know battle." She answered.

"Where is Onica?"

Athyra motioned to the stairs behind her. "Below deck, in my quarters. Go to her. Keep her safe."

"But I can fight!" Tavra protested.

Athyra grabbed her arm forcefully and locked eyes. "I never repeat myself. Go to her now. Keep her safe at all costs. Do you understand?"

Tavra's expression became stoic and serious. "Always." She answered. And with that, she disappeared below deck with even greater speed.  

Led by Loe, Athyra's men worked overhead, climbed high up on the masts, clinging to the loose rope netting on the sides. As they neared the middle of the mast, they passed two signalmen on either side, dressed in gem encrusted shirts which only Athyra's ships could spot in the darkness. In one hand they held a small torch, and in the other a large brightly colored flag; both used to signal the other ships. And after a brief set of motions, presented in waving and angular patterns, the other ships around them soon began the same procedures.

When Loe's men reached the top of the three great sails, they utilized long wooden sticks with iron pots on the end to quickly stamp out the flames of the torches. In seconds, all except for small flickers of candlelight went out, leaving all of the ships in near pitch blackness. A few more smoke bombs dropped from the sky around them, but due to the lack of vison, the wayward objects fell clear of the ships. 

"Everyone remain silent!" Athyra called out to her crew. 

A series of hush whispers and sharp breaths flew around her, as the entire crew halted their speaking and frantic movements. Any sounds now would surely give their position away. The entire crew crouched quietly on the deck, ready to strike at any moment, swords and spears drawn and held tight between sweaty fingers. Above them, bursts of flapping wings remained constant for some time, as the Wave Xeric attempted to relocate the ships. Periodically, the birds would fly very close, sending a shot of wind over the deck. But the crew remained still and silent.

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