Act X

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A Mystery Uncovered! Nith Joins the Crew?

Athyra stood in awe at the sight before her. Although it was unclear to Onica and Tavra what was happening, they could feel a sense of wonder emanating among the informed. Something very significant had been discovered, that much was clear. More of the clues which held this adventure together were beginning to unravel.

"What is this doing on your back?" Athyra wondered as she rose to her feet.

Nith covered herself again and turned to face her. "Well, that is an interesting story." She replied drifting into thought.

"That was the same map you have, correct?" Tavra interjected.

"It is," Athyra confirmed. "But the symbol which appeared I have never seen before." She abruptly turned to Padra. "Did you copy this already? Have you made a new map?"

Padra nodded. "We did."

"And?" Athyra looked to Nith again. "What have you discovered?"

"Nothing!" Nith snapped playfully. "You expect us to venture over the sea into uncharted regions? No. That is where you come in."

Athyra considered this for a moment. "I suppose you're right."

"I'm always right." Nith confirmed. 

More questions remained under Onica's tongue. "But how did you know?" she inquired. The others looked to her with curiosity. "How is it that you knew exactly what to do to reveal the secret?"

"That's true," Tavra agreed. "With all the plant life in this forest, it would take many trine to discover the necessary concoction."

"And not only that," Onica continued. "How would you know to place it on your back tattoo?"

Nith remained quiet for a long while, as if gathering the appropriate words. "We were... instructed." She claimed. 

Athyra crossed her arms and took a few small steps toward her. "Instructed?" 

"Don't ask me by who." She said, answering Athyra's next question. "We don't know."

"Do explain." Athyra commanded. 

Nith crossed her arms, attempting to mirror Athyra's defensive posture. "Well," she sighed as she recalled her recent experiences. "We started receiving letters--they were recipes, really. Cohesive guides to specific plant life in this forest."

"But that does not make sense," Athyra asserted. "The forest of the Port of Sky is relatively unknown to Thra."

"Almost completely unknown." Nith added. "Which--as we are well aware--indeed adds to the mystery."

"And so they told you how to decipher the map?" Onica asked. She was finding herself as curious as Athyra, for once. 

"In a way, yes. After we acquired the materials, there was a page which read almost like a riddle. It spoke of a chain of islands which sounded very similar to our hidden islands. And because the potion we had made was to be applied to the skin, it didn't take us long to figure out it was for my map."

"Fascinating," Athyra breathed. "So someone must have discovered this long ago."

Nith nodded in agreement. "It suggests something ancient."

"But how is that possible?" Onica wondered. "How long has the Port of Sky existed."

"Well, it's not ancient." 

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