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As We Set Sail : The Spirit of a New Journey!

"Are you sure? Absolutely sure?" Onica called out to Tavra. 

It was the following day. A bright, hot sunny and clear mid morning. Not a cloud in the air, with brilliant blue hues painting the sky with beautiful tones. They were walking down the salty wooden planks of the docks, surrounded by the bustle of the crowds; selling, buying and unloading items from the collection of nearby ships. The smell of Sifan spice hung strong in the wind, as various vendors from all corners of Cera-Na gathered to sell their grilled food and special items to wandering fishers, pirates and merchants.

"Yes," Tavra replied. She walked in front of Onica, with a perk in her step. "I am quite sure," she seemed confident and ready. A good nights rest and a long discussion with Onica had led her to a decision about Athyra's offer. But unfortunately, this was a sentiment Onica did not share.

"I do wish you would reconsider," Onica protested, intentionally falling behind, attempting to slow Tavra's pursuit.

Tavra stopped and turned toward her. "Onica, I thought I explained this all to you last night," she sighed and crossed her arms. "Were my ideas really so bad?"

"I'm sure the way you see it, no, but they can be!" Onica exclaimed. "Think about the possibilities. The circumstances. If there is a power shift, there could be a rebellion,"

"I'm not so sure," Tavra said, placing a hand on her hip. "And beside all of that, that wasn't the point I made about this adventure,"

"I know that, but..."

"Listen, Onica," she reached out and touched her arms. "Athyra is going on this journey with, or without us. Imagine if we chose not to go with her. To not keep an eye on her actions. If we stay behind, the circumstances you speak of could be far worse," Onica tried to look away, but found she could not. "I am an ambassador to the Vapran Citadel--to the All Maudra. The least I can do is watch over her. It is practically my duty,"

Onica gazed down to her feet and took in a deep breath, centering her thoughts. "Yes, I understand what you mean. I hope, anyway," she said. Tavra softly touched her cheek and directed her lover's face to her eyes. 

"I know you do," Tavra smiled. 

"And yet," Onica continued. "I do sense something more in you," her expression became a shade more serious. 

"What do you mean?"

"Alternative motives. You can't hide those from me," she tilted her head coyly.

Tavra turned her head to look out over the ocean. "Perhaps..."

"Tell me," Onica demanded.

"It's nothing really, just that..." Tavra looked to her again, her voice became quiet, yet still powerful among the noise of the crowds around them. "Perhaps it is time for a change. Who knows, if Athyra and her warriors are cunning enough-"

"But you speak against your own people, my love, don't you see that?" Onica interrupted. 

"You mean those I run away from every season?" Tavra retorted. Onica shook her head in disagreement, but then realized she had nothing to say. "It may be my heritage, but I do not remain blinded by the Vapran culture. Athyra is right in many ways,"

"She is right?" Onica questioned with surprise.

Tavra huffed sharply. "Fine. Not right--but aware for certain. And regardless, this could be a possible path for us to take. One which will uncover new leadership. A new world."

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