"I was just missing you," Lisa said quietly. She forgot any notion of trying to sell Jennie a story about the night of the full moon. Jennie's intuition of her feelings spooked her, and she didn't want to risk their newly formed bond. Not yet, anyway. "I'm feeling much better now."

"Good." Jennie giggled when Lisa's hands found her ass, caressing her gently. "Should we eat dinner? We could order pizza."

"I can think of something I'd rather eat," Lisa whispered into Jennie's ear. She felt the immediate impact of her words as a tightening in her abdomen, then a surge of lust that seemed to flow directly from Jennie's hands to Lisa's brain.

"Since when did you get so naughty?"

"You're a bad influence." Lisa nipped at Jennie's throat. "You've totally corrupted me."

"Apparently so." Jennie threw her head back and hissed when Lisa slipped her hand down the front of her pants, into her panties, fingers instinctively finding wet heat, then pushing between her folds. "I can live with that."

"Trust me, I'm not complaining." Lisa worked a single finger inside Jennie, delighting in the tight warmth of her pussy. She loved the way Jennie clamped down around her, the way her fingers dug into Lisa's shoulders like she was desperate to get closer. "How about we go to the bedroom now and worry about dinner later?"

Jennie nibbled at her ear with sharp teeth. "You talked me into it."

Lisa knew it was wrong to distract herself from the necessary task by initiating sex, but the seduction wasn't a purely cunning move. Making love was better than lying to the woman she adored, certainly, but Lisa simply couldn't stop herself from taking Jennie physically, over and over. The emotional pull between them was so intense that the only way to ease the sweet agony was through sexual release. Even that only offered a temporary reprieve from the desperate craving for Jennie that constantly thrummed through Lisa's veins.

Lying could wait. Tonight she'd enjoy Jennie while she still had the chance.


Sometime in the middle of the night, Jennie's cell phone rang. Groaning, she opened her eyes and reached for the glowing, vibrating object, hoping like hell that she wasn't being called to examine a body. After hours of strenuous physical activity with Lisa, the thought of dragging her ass out of bed and to a crime scene was spectacularly unappealing. Usually the late-night calls went to Kai, who valued a good corpse much more highly than sleep.

Jennie glanced at the display. She didn't recognize the number. Picking up, she mumbled, "Hello?"


"Hello?" Jennie said again. She pulled the phone away from her ear to check that the caller hadn't hung up. When she saw that the connection was still active, she brought the phone to her ear and listened. She heard the faintest trace of street noise, then a beep that signaled that the caller had disconnected. "Nice."

"Everything okay?" Lisa murmured. A strong arm curled around Jennie's waist, tugging her closer. "What time is it?"

Jennie glanced at the phone's display. "A little after one in the morning."

Lisa hummed in acknowledgment. Then she kissed Jennie's throat, scraping her teeth over a pulse point. "Need any help getting back to sleep?"

Chuckling sleepily, Jennie seriously considered another round before conceding defeat. "I'm not sure I'm physically capable right now."

"Good." Lisa slid her hand between Jennie's legs and cupped her gently. "Me either. No matter how badly I want to."

Jennie closed her eyes and sighed. "You make me feel so sexy."

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