“Yeah, I know!” The other one agreed, “Apparently that wasn’t his first time trying to do stuff with girls. I heard that he’s in a Juvenile detention center, that’s probably why he isn’t at school.”

That’s all I could hear before they went off to class as soon as the bell had rung.

I stood in place for a few seconds, grazing my eyes over my locker and finally shutting it. I stared at it blankly, in the process of a thought. So, wait, he’s at a detention center? That’s tough. But how did anyone find out? Well, it isn’t a surprise that Rumors could be born out of the blue and start spreading. At least he’s not in my hair anymore, as long as I’m safe from him, that’s all that matters. Though I still couldn’t help but to be a little worried, you’d think a detention center is a little too harsh for someone even like Elaine. I had then snapped out of my thoughts and slipped my arms through the straps of my book bag, realizing that I was late to class.

When I got in there, I avoided the random stares and gazes, sitting at my desk. I was a little comfortable; knowing that I was safe for that brief moment had really shunned me.

After my first two classes, it was break time, which would usually be the time to go to your locker. After I fetched my materials for my next classes, I walked off and happened to see Brandon standing by a water fountain. I paused, pretending to tie my converse shoe. I wanted to hear his conversation, and who he was talking too.

“So we can do it tonight, Brooke?” I heard him ask, a flash of hope in his voice. I continued listening, slowly cringing at the fact that Brooke was the one on the line, the person he was communicating with. “I love you, too.” He finally said, hanging up.

I stood back up and clutched my books to my chest, walking pass him. It felt like everything had gone slow motion the moment he laid his eyes on me. His green eyes softened, and he glanced at his cell phone and back at me. I gave him an apologetic stare, continuing to walk on from there.

When I walked out from that hallway, I pushed my back against the wall, thinking about what just happened. What do they plan on doing together, tonight? This thought would buzz in my head for the rest of the day, the night. I sighed at this, the moment his beautiful eyes pierced at me, it was so breath taking, I swear it’d hurt. My heart race had begun to pick up, and I felt so...stupid. Even more than what I did when I stormed away from Eric and Erica’s house after arguing with Brandon about my issues that were between me and Ms. Morse. I felt my fists ball up at the thought of him saying he loved Brooke.

I thought he loved me. I guess not.

My face had scrunched up, and I had a look of fury in my eyes. I was infuriated, I hated him. Then and there…I didn’t want to talk with him. Not at all. At first I felt bad, but now I’m just about to give up on guys overall.

No, screw that; not just guys…but on life itself. I honestly don’t see how life could get any worse than what it already has. After my third class, it was lunch time, which was of course awkward. I only spoke to Aubrey, Erica, Eric, and some other people. Just not with Brandon. He ignored me too, talking with others as well. It was still awkward because people kept glancing at the two of us, probably wondering why we weren’t speaking. Ms. Morse wasn’t here today, so I didn’t have to see her. I was a little relieved; paying visits to her office wasn’t always the most rewarding feeling. After school, Erica dropped me off at my house. I was alone. John, my mom, and Haley were in Yakima, and I was home alone.

Nothing to do…at all.


I tangled my fingers into my hair, running them through it smoothly as I laid on my bed, on my laptop. My mom and Haley wouldn’t be back until late at night, so of course it was no surprise that I felt a little awkward being in the house alone. I was checking my emails to see if Lola had emailed me, and she hadn’t. I breathed out a sigh of exasperation, yeah; she definitely wasn’t kidding when she ended our friendship. But how could she go on without speaking to me? I know she couldn’t. Just like me, I couldn’t go without her, so what makes her so sure she could go on strong? Just as I closed my laptop, feeling so loss with hope as ever, the doorbell had rang.

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