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One week later

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One week later...

"Do you guys like how everything turned out?"

"Are you kidding? This is all we ever dreamed of and more. Thank you again, lads!"

Luke and Ashton couldn't help but grin at Michael's response.

"I agree!" Calum added. "Thank you for suggesting the idea, and for helping us organizing this."

"After everything you guys went through these past two weeks, an engagement party is the least you deserve." The tattoo artist affirmed with a smile. "We are just glad that you guys found your way back to one another, and that we were able to help you celebrate your love tonight."

The blue haired one didn't hesitate to take a step closer to his best friend, only to give him the warmest hug. "I hope you know how much you mean to me, and how happy I am that I didn't lose you." He whispered in his ear.

Irwin rested his head on the other lad's shoulder, cuddling him right back. "Me too." He simply, but affectively, answered.

"We need to go greet the rest of our guests, see you guys around?" Hood asked while gently pulling out of his mate's arms.

"For sure." Luke answered with a beam on his face. "See you later."

Ashton watched his partner's face drop as soon as the other couple turned around to leave, which made him sigh deeply.

He's still angry, isn't he?


"I am going to the bar." The blond cut him off instantly.

"Oh, hell no." He argued, grasping onto Luke's arm. "Not until we sort this out."

"This is not the time nor place. It is Calum and Michael's night, let's try not to ruin it for them by making a scene."

Ashton unwillingly started loosening his grip, knowing deep down that the taller one was right.

"Can we at least talk about this when we get back home?" He suggested calmly.

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