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"Can I help you?"

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"Can I help you?"

Ashton felt a pinch in his heart once he was faced with a complete stranger.

It wasn't him.

"Um-" He started, taking a few steps away from the gentleman. "No, I am so sorry. I thought you were-" He cut himself off. "Actually, never mind. Again, sorry for bothering you."

The unknown lad barely had the time to open his mouth, that Ashton already ran away.

He made his to a small alley, plastering his body against the wall as he began to cry a river.

He buried his face inside his hands, trying to mute his uncontrollable sobs.

Why? Why is he even upset?

He should be happy that it wasn't him.

He is doing way better without him anyway.

He scratched both of his eyes when he heard his phone ring, picking up almost instantly.


"Hey! Where are you? Your client is he-" She stopped herself when she heard his whimpers. "Ash? Are you okay?!"

"I- I thought I saw-" He paused to sniff. "L-Luke- and I- I-"

"What?!" She raised her voice a bit.

"I- it wasn't him. It just- it just threw me off."

She stayed quiet for a few seconds, exhaling roughly after processing everything she was just told. "Are you far away from your car?"


"Okay, you should go home. I will go ahead and cancel all your appointments for the day."

"But, what about the client-"

"It's just a small tattoo retouch, I will take care of it." She interrupted me. "You go rest, alright?"

He sighed in pure relief, feeling the tension lifting off his shoulders little by little. "Alright. Thank you."

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