A rant I guess

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Yo it's the author here to rant about stuff no one rlly cares about except me. When I started writing this fanfic, it was when I was in a pretty shitty place mentally. I was in a super toxic 3 year relationship, and this story was like an escape for me. Pretty weird considering Peter is an actual murderer, and I so badly wanted him to be real and not my real boyfriend at that current time. I think after I finished this, I realized the situation I was in irl and decided to leave that relationship. It was toxic, he was manipulative just like Peter, he would guilt trip me into doing things acting like I owed him something physical, and I finally just had enough. This story really just opened my eyes. It's a good fanfic, and I really did enjoy making it, but I wanted to say thanks for everyone else who read it too. It helped me through a dark time and I hope it can help you in a similar way as me. Nobody should ever have to despise their lover.

Anyways thank you for all the support! I still keep getting floods of comments, whether they are supportive or goofy, I love reading them all. I hope y'all liked this 🥺

Your Boyfriend, PeterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt