Ch. 13, Shower

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Y/n's pov:

I wake up naked next to Peter holding me. He's so warm and is holding me really tight. I gently push him away and go to the bathroom to take a shower. I look in the mirror and my body is full of hickeys, slap marks, and bruises. I admire my body in the mirror. I turn around and there are two red hand marks on it and bruises from him grabbing onto my ass so tightly. I blush insanely as all the memories of last night come flooding back to me. I hear the bathroom door creak open.

Peter: "Good morning, darling." He says casually as he stands there naked.

Y/n: "G-good morning." I blush.

Peter: "Would you like to take a shower together? I love seeing your body." He comes up behind me and kisses my neck and touches me gently.

Y/n: "Yes." I blurt out.

Peter: "That was a quick response." He giggles.

I blush and look away. He cups my face and kisses me gently.

Peter: "Your body looks even more beautiful with my marks of love." He kisses me again.

I look away again in embarrassment and turn on the shower. We both climb in and he grabs a bottle of shampoo and puts a little plop of shampoo in his hands. He gently massages my hair with it. It feels so relaxing. He kisses my neck every now and then and continues to massage my hair. He lets the shampoo rinse out of my hair in the shower and kisses me. Peter gently pulls me closer to him and grabs my ass in the process.

Y/n: "Ouch." I wince in pain.

Peter: "Sorry! I forgot about what I did to you last night~" He kisses me again.

He lets go of me and crouches down to my level and looks me in the eyes.

Peter: "Did you like it?"

Y/n: "Like what?"

Peter: "Last night~" He smirks.

Y/n: "Y-yeah, why?"

Peter: "Do you want me to do that to you more?"

I pause for a second. At that point, I'd be a slave for him. The thing is, I enjoy it...

Y/n: "Maybe..." I look away embarrassed.

I hear him laugh a bit and stand up straight. He walks out of the shower and puts a towel around his waist. I turn it off and walk out to put a towel around my chest. He brushes his teeth and I do the same with a toothbrush dedicated just to me.

We walk out and go into our room and change into some clothes. I stretch and yawn because I'm still kind of tired.

Peter: "Do you want to sleep in more?"

Y/n: "Maybe just a little bit." I smile.

He walks towards me and tucks me into bed.

Peter: "When you wake up, there will be breakfast and a surprise." He smiles and kisses my forehead.

He walks out of the room as I fall asleep. A surprise?

-After waking up-

I wonderful smell wakes me up. It smells like bacon and eggs. I shoot up and run into the kitchen.

Peter: "Good morning." He smiles warmly.

Y/n: "Good morning Peter." I say back.

I sit down next to him where there is a plate of breakfast for me. It looks a lot better than what I thought it would.

Y/n: "Since when could you cook well?" I say jokingly

Peter: "Haha, I cook this meal almost every day, so I've mastered this." He chuckles.

I give him a thumbs-up of approval and dig in.

I finish the breakfast and Peter grabs my plate and puts it in the sink to wash the dishes. While he does that I check my phone to see if there was any response from Lucy. There's nothing. I text her. "Lucy are you okay? I want to meet up with you today to see you in person to make sure you're okay." I text. She responds instantly. "This number is no longer in service." My heart drops.

Y/n: "Lucy..."

I get up and look at Peter who's cleaning dishes. I take a look at the door.

Y/n: "Peter I wanna see Lucy.." I say hesitantly.

He pauses.

Peter: "Alright, when I get done with these dishes we'll go see her." He says warmly.

For some reason, I wasn't expecting this. He finishes up and he grabs my hand and we go out the door to the car. It's going to be a long drive back. he never stops holding my hand the entire ride through. But for some reason, it wasn't comforting at all. It felt like a terror had struck me when we stop in front of my apartment. My blood runs cold as he gets out of the car. We walk up to the apartment and go up the stairs to my floor. We go up to my door. I open it without a key and not so surprisingly it opens. Sounds like Lucy's doing. I go inside and look around. The apartment looks the exact same as I had left it. Peter doesn't come in and stays outside. I walk into Lucy's room and it's the exact same as it was before. Something's not right. There's even a slight pile of dust on her bed. I slowly back away. I back into someone and scream.

Peter: "Darling it's just me!" He hugs me from behind. "Did you find her?"

I start visibly shaking. I push his arms away from me and back away.

Y/n: "W-where is Lucy, Peter..."

Peter: "I'm not sure why you're asking me. I don't know either." He says innocently.

I don't believe it.

Y/n: "I said, where is Lucy.." I back into the bed and fall onto it.

Peter walks closer and smirks a little bit.

Peter: "I have no idea."

Y/n: "Tell me."

Peter walks up to the bed where I'm fallen.

Peter: "Are you feeling alright darling? Do I need to take you home?"

I'm shaking and visibly sweating right now. He did something to her.

Peter: "I think we should go home, you look like you're running a fever."

He goes to pick me up but I'm too scared and weak to push him off. He carries me out to the car and right before he closes the door he places something over my mouth. Everything goes dark.

Peter's pov:

Y/n is getting onto me. While she is out though, now is a good time to go after TK. I know he's been blowing up her phone at night, but I've blocked him so she has no idea. I leave her in the car and go to the diner. I sit down and TK comes to serve me.

TK: "Hey wait, do you know where Y/n is?"

Word count: 1112

Sorry for the long wait for the update. I've been pretty busy.

Your Boyfriend, PeterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz