Ch. 5, Take Me Away

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Peter's pov: 

I look over at Y/n startled. She's still asleep laying and the other side. Was that just my imagination? I continue what I was doing and finish myself. I clean the mess up and go back to bed. Did she really do that or am I just imagining it? I lay beside her and pull her close to me. I'm not sure if I can sleep. I don't usually sleep because I'm busy making sure Y/n is sleeping well. Suddenly Y/n turns over to face me and stuffs her face into my chest and hugs me. She still appears to be asleep. I smile and put my hand on her head and pet her. 

Peter: "Good night darling~" I kiss her on the forehead and fall asleep. 


Y/n's pov: 

I open my eyes and see a chest in front of me. The memories of last night all go flooding back. He appears to still be sound asleep. I wonder if he gets any sleep? He slightly groans in his sleep. I pull away slowly and he pulls me back. I can't just lay in bed all day, I have work! I push him away again and he wakes up.

Peter: "no..Stay in bed darling.." he says this groaning and pulling me back again.

Y/n: "I have work Peter, I need to get ready." I push away for the third time and he finally lets me go.

Peter: "But, I want you to stay here with me." He looks at me with puppy dog eyes. 

Y/n: "You'll see me after work when we have our date, okay?" I turn around and look for my work clothes. I glance back at him, and he's staring at me. "C-could you turn around?"

Peter: "Right, sorry." He looks away and blushes a bit.

I get changed and put my hair in a ponytail. I feel his eyes staring at me. I glance back at him and he looks away pretending he wasn't staring. 

Y/n: "Why are you so fascinated with me?" 

Peter: "You're beautiful darling, that's why." 

I look away and hold my arm. I've never been called beautiful before. I thought that maybe I was just average-looking. 

Y/n: "Do you really think so?" I look at him with pleading eyes. 

Peter gets up and cups my cheeks.

Peter: "I'm very sure." He smiles and kisses my head. 

I can't believe that I've fallen in love with my stalker. We aren't supposed to be together. I'm supposed to call the cops and never see him again, yet something in me just urges me towards him. 

Y/n: "I really do have to go Peter, or else I'll be late for work." He looks at me upset.

Peter: "I'll be here, waiting for you to come home darling. We'll go on our date together." He gives me a warm smile and waves me goodbye. 

I walk out of my room and fumbled for my keys. I find them in my pocket and unlock the door. 

--10 minutes later--

Peter's pov: 

Y/n is the prettiest girl alive. I need to get her something special for our date. I think about what to give her and then it hits me. We saw each other at the flower shop, so maybe I should get her a rose. She was smelling them, and she looked like she loved them. I smile to myself and put on my shirt and leave. 

I walk down the street from the diner and make sure to take a peek to find my Y/n. Tk is there again, and I feel myself turn red in anger. I walk away fast with my fists clenched so hard, that there could be blood dripping down from my nails. I find myself in front of the flower shop and walk-in. This store is my favorite, and I'm glad I saw Y/n in here. It brings me happiness to know she loves flowers too. My favorite thing about this store is the gentle ring the bell makes when you walk in. I go over to the rose section and pick the perfect one. It is quite beautiful. It reminds me of Y/n. She smells like Lavenders, she may as well be a flower herself. Although I can't see her as a rose, I do think this does resemble her in a way. I go bring the rose to the shopkeeper and ask them to clip the thorns. I pay for the rose and buy a white box with a red bow tied on it to keep it closed. I hope Y/n likes it, it's such a pretty flower. I walk out of the shop and smile while holding the box close to my chest.

 I pass the diner and see Y/n bringing someone food. The customer appears angry and throws the food at her face. She looks like she's about to cry, but manages to pull through. I would go in there and kill them myself, but I wouldn't want Y/n to see the mess. I feel angry as I watch her apologize to the customer for the bad food. How is it even her fault? All she did was serve them the food. I'm in a pit of rage right now. She walks into the kitchen and appears to cry a bit and Tk goes over to comfort her. Why are THEY comforting her and not ME? I should be there doing that, not them. My rage is boiling beyond any anger I've felt before. I feel my anger subtle down when Y/n pushes Tk away. She storms out to the back of the diner. I feel upset for her. I run to the back of the restaurant to where I see her sitting and crying. She doesn't notice I'm there so I softly say her name.

Peter: "Y/n..?"

Y/n jumps and covers her face.

Y/n: "I don't you to see me cry, please look away.."

I look away to make her feel better.

Peter: "What happened, darling??" I crouch down next to her, looking straight ahead. 

Y/n: "I hate my job, nobody ever understands my struggles. All I do is take orders and bring them food, and tell them  "thank you," and I just get a face full of shit!" Y/n's crying intensifies.

I slide closer to her and she lays her head on my shoulder. 

Peter: "You need to quit darling. I'll take care of you until you find a new job, I promise. Hell, you don't even have to have a job, just stay with me. I'll take care of you for the rest of your life Y/n."

Y/n looks up at me with tears still filled in her eyes. 

Y/n: "R-really? You really wouldn't think I'm just a burden to your life? I figure you would always be busy, or would hate me being with you, or, or maybe you would hurt me. I still don't know enough about you to even trust you." She starts crying again.

Peter: "Look me in the eyes." She looks at me. "I, Love, You."

She blushes and wipes her tears. 

Peter: "I'll take you away anytime."

Y/n: "How do I know that you won't hurt me, I kill me. What if you just want to kidnap me and rape me?"

Peter: "Wouldn't I have done that by now? I've had many chances to hurt you, but I could never. I wouldn't do anything to ever hurt you Y/n. I only watch you because I love you. I don't want anything to happen to you."

Y/n's mood brightened.

Y/n: "Please take me away. I don't wanna be here anymore, I can't stand working here, or coming home to Lucy fucking someone. I just want peace and quiet..."

I stand up and pull out my hand towards her. She looks up at me and grabs it and I pull her up. She falls into my arms and I hug her. I pick her up like a bride and walk away from the diner.

Y/n: "You don't have to carry me, I can walk still." She looks flustered. 

Peter: "I love seeing you flustered though."

Y/n looks at me with a red face and shoves her face into my chest. I chuckle. My smile from the chuckle turns into a smirk as I bring her to my van. She opens the door to the passenger side and seats herself. I get in and start the car. 

Peter: "I'll make sure you never cry again." I smile as I hold her hand and drive away. 

Word count: 1404

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