Ch. 18, End

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*gore warning*

Y/n's pov: 

My dreams were images of TK and Lucy being killed. I wanted nothing more but to die. Peter was dreamy at first, but now I hate him. I keep my eyes closed and waited for Peter to wake up. I wonder how the hell I'll be able to escape from this situation. If I run away, he'll just kidnap me again. Suddenly it hits me. What if *I* call the cops and tell them where we are? But how will I get him to leave me alone for a few minutes? He has to take care of me all of the time now. Maybe I could pretend I'm ordering pizza? I sit up and stretch a bit. Peter wakes up and hugs me. 

Peter: "Good morning, darling. I hope you slept well." He smiles warmly.

I, in fact, did not sleep well at all. I decide to go along with this pretend relationship for now. 

Y/n: "Yeah." I barely muster the courage to say that. 

Peter: "Shall we go eat?"

Y/n: "Actually, I was wondering if we could order pizza." 

Peter: "It's.....2 hours away though." He says like I'm stupid. 

I completely forgot. 

Y/n: "Nevermind." I feel tears form in my eyes but I quickly wipe them away."

Peter: "I know you're starving, love." He smiles and picks me up. 

I hold onto him tightly. I don't feel anything emotionally towards him anymore. He sets me down onto the couch and I lay down flat as he goes and cooks us breakfast. I sit there with nothing running through my mind. He finished up cooking and brings me a plate of eggs. 

Y/n: "Is this the only thing you can cook?" I say with a little attitude.

Peter: "Oh, I'm sorry... It's all I can really make without burning or turning it into mush for you."

Y/n: "Too bad I don't have legs to cook for us anymore." I say aggressively. 

Peter doesn't respond for a moment. 

Peter: "I'll get good at cooking, I promise."

I don't respond to him, nor do I eat what he makes me. Peter looks upset like he could cry if I snap at him again. 

Y/n: "I doubt you'll ever get good at cooking." I say with a look of disgust. 

Peter's eyes tear up and he gets up and walks to the bedroom. I slightly smile. I look down at the plate of food. I have a fork and a knife to eat eggs for some reason. My heart beats fast. I pick up the knife. I could just kill myself. I'd rather die in my own hands than his. Who knows what he'll do when he walks out of that room. If I kill myself here though, he'll be the last thing I will probably see, and I may not even die. I don't love this man anymore. He's a monster. I use my good arm to put it on the ground and hop off the couch. I quietly slide over into the closet and shut the door silently. I could kill myself right now, and he would take a while to find me. He wouldn't be the last thing I see too. Nor would he be able to save me. I smile a bit. I chose how I die. If I can't live in this world freely, then I may as well die. I look directly at the knife and see the reflection of my eye. I take a deep breath in as I cover my mouth with my broken wrist, and stab the knife into my chest.

He lost. I feel no pain. I just feel happy. I can already see TK and Lucy picking me up, and I can see my legs again. The blood forms a massive puddle around me. I close my eyes and I take my last breath. 

Peter's pov: 

I don't know what to do anymore. I don't feel as satisfied as I thought I would. She's with me, but I'm not happy. She's awful now, tainted. Did *I* taint her? Am I the problem? I pace around the bedroom in circles as I wipe my tears every few seconds. She's so mean now too. She used to be so pure and kind. I begin to take a deep breath. I haven't heard her in a while. What if she is trying to escape? I open the door and go to the living room. She's not on the couch. I immediately run out the door and go looking for her. I frantically go running around to find her. I go straight to the cliff and look down. There's nothing at the bottom. I sigh of relief and run around the scenery to try and find her. 

I've been searching for about 20 minutes and I can't find her. I realized that I hadn't even checked inside the house first, I was so frantic about finding her. I ran back and checked every room. I approached the closet and touch the handle, but I hear a slight splash noise when I step near it. I slowly glide my eyes downward to the bottom of the door. I cover my mouth in complete horror and fall backward. I don't even open the door. I sit there motionless. Throw up gets onto my hands. Tears fall onto the ground. I move my hand off of my mouth and place it on the ground. I just sit there. 

I sit there.



Maybe a week even.

I haven't budged. I don't feel any hunger or thirst. Just agony. The blood that was once a bright red, has now dulled into a dark maroon color.  Is this how she felt when I killed TK? Or Lucy? Is this how she felt like? I deserve to die. I deserve to rot for ruining your life Y/n. 

Peter: "I'm sorry..."

I sit there until I can no longer breath. My last breath came out with a few words.

Peter: "I love you Y/n."

Word count: 992

So uh, that's the end ig. I'm gonna make another fanfic dw. Except with no violence probably. It'll be great for those of you who are interested in the smut ;). It'll be about emo Peter. That's all I'll say. <3

Thanks so much for reading this far. It's something I've been writing in my spare time. I love all the support and feedback I've gotten thus far. I love you all so much. :) <3

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