Want Fries With That?

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Piper: Dare!
Reyna: Enough with the girly stuff! This is different now. I dare you to answer every question you are asked today with the sentence 'Want fries with that?
Piper: Won't be a problem.
Reyna: Okay. Do you like Jason?
Piper: In fact, I LOVE him!
Tanya: *cough* dare. *cough*
Piper: Oh, sorry. Want fries with that?
Nico: *mumbles in his sleep* fries... Happy meals... fries... fries... fries...
Percy: Looks like Nico is hungry. Hey, how about we go to McDonalds and grab some snacks?
Everyone except Piper and Nico: YESS!
Piper: Want fries with that?
Everyone: Hahahahaha!
Nico: *suddenly wakes up* FRIES! YAY! *raises fists in the air and accidentally punches Reyna in the face*
Reyna: Oooowwwwwwwww! Nico!
Annabeth: OMG. Are you okay?
Reyna: Owwwwwwwwww....
Nico: So sorry, Reyna! I promise to give you a sundae to help you with that.
Reyna: Owwwwwwwwwww....

I Dare You (Percy Jackson Truth or Dare)Where stories live. Discover now