Treat Me Like an Adult

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"Like this?"

"Yes," Emily replied with a direct nod. "Exactly like that."

Sebastian smiled, slightly shivering as a cold wind blew through the air. He surveyed his work, which consisted of a bouquet of sunflowers wrapped with a red bow. They were Nix's favorite, according to Sam.

"Thanks again for helping me with these," Sebastian admitted. "Especially since fall 's almost over."

"Anything to help my friends," Emily simply replied, sitting on a box in Sebastian's garage. She watched him with kind eyes, observing how he nearly folded in on himself as he tightened the bow, his body resting on a blue milk crate that had been overturned and dusted-over with time. His focus was razor-sharp, his dark eyes watching the flowers as though they could jump out of his grasp and flee from him.

"I just hope this works," he sighed. "I know she already grows these, but..."

"I think she'll love them, especially since they're coming from you," Emily assured him, pulling out a cotton cloth from her bag and handing it to him– the final touch. She smiled as he wrapped it around the stems.

"As long as it makes her happy."

Emily chuckled. "You're worrying too much." She opened her mouth to say something else, but the silver watch clasped to her wrist beeped like a mini foghorn. She silenced it, standing up at once with a spring in her step. "Oh, my shift starts soon!" She grinned at him before waving and beginning her jog out of the garage and down the mountain. "I'll see you later though. Good luck!"

Sebastian waved back, following her movements as she disappeared around the hill. He sighed, but not in a negative way, and wondered how on earth he had found a friend in that woman. After all, she was a stark contrast to him, even more so than Sam. Colorful... bubbly and happy... social... friendly...

She's easy to be around, that's for sure, he told himself contently as he hugged the bundle of sunflowers to his chest. That morning, Emily had introduced him to Mrs. Mullner, who had a small garden of flowers just behind her and her husband's house. The old woman was more than happy to share a handful of sunflowers, and Sebastian even found the confidence to express his gratitude to her– despite catching Alex's, her grandson's, uncomfortable stare from the corner of his eye.

"Finally taking an interest in my job?" Standing by the agape garage door, Demetrius stood with his hands tucked into the pockets of his khaki pants.

"No," Sebastian replied at once. "These are for Nix."

"Ah." Demetrius shifted in his shoes, swapping his weight between one foot and the other. "You two are growing awfully close lately."

Sebastian shrugged, squinting his eyes as he mulled over the words. Had he and Nix been close lately? He wasn't sure, honestly. The death of her mother was still a fresh wound, the tragedy occurring only three days beforehand. In those three days, Sebastian could count on one hand the sweet moments that forced them closer to one another– the most recent, of which, consisted of embracing her after he caught her crying in the middle of picking apples from her fruit trees. She was mid-pick when the first teardrop fell, her fingers trembling until Sebastian pulled her into his arms. But close? He wouldn't call that close. Not when...

"She's my grieving friend," he reminded his stepfather before shooting him an accusatory glance. "How come you never ask me these questions about Abigail?"

"Because you don't act like this around Abigail." Demetrius waved his hands toward the bouquet of sunflowers resting on Sebastian's lap. When his stepson gave him an odd look, he continued. "I'd like to think I know my own kid."

Sebastian nearly rolled his eyes, but the thought of Nix stopped him– calmed him. He took a breath. "And if Nix and I are close?"

"Then your mother and I have the right to know," Demetrius informed him. "Especially if you're hanging around her in the evenings."

Sebastian scrunched up his nose at that statement. "I'm not a child anymore. I'm almost twenty-three."

"I'm being serious, Seb," his stepfather insisted. "The scriptures say–"

"You know I'm not religious," Sebastian snapped before heaving a sigh and standing up. "Look, Demetrius–" the stepfather flinched at the sound is his name– "our relationship would be a lot better if you just treated me like an adult. I'm not the six-year-old you met after tempting my mom. I'm the twenty-two-year-old who, yes, has a crush on someone. Just... let me figure things out."

Demetrius put his hands up in surrender, closing his eyes and pursing his lips. "You're right. I apologize." He hesitated before patting Sebastian on the shoulder. "Uhh, good luck today?"

Sebastian forced a smile, despite actually appreciating the man's effort at camaraderie. "Thanks." Then, he left the garage and neared the back of the house, where the quickest trail to Capricorn Grove sat. His feet padded along the trail, his lungs filling with the sweet autumn air as he drew closer to the acres. He knew Nix was likely alone that day, as Abigail had a doctor's appointment, and Emily and Sam had shifts scheduled. Sebastian was the only one free, as he had finished all of his programming work in the morning hours. The thought made him nervous... he and Nix were rarely alone alone.

When he arrived at the farm, it was a pleasant surprise to see that everything was done for the day. In the distance, he watched as the cows gnawed on grass and the chickens chased one another around. In the fields, all of the crops were barren of ripe fruits and vegetables. Even the fruit trees had been picked and sorted through, Nix's calloused hands leaving behind only the smaller and dully-tinted fruits.

Maybe she feels better? He asked himself with hope knitted in his heart as he approached the farmhouse. Trotting up the porch, he knocked on the front door. Shockingly, the door creaked open after the slight force.

"Nix?" He called.

No answer. Tilting his head, he opened the door and peered inside, his eyes scanning the living room until he found her. Her body draped itself across her brown couch like a blanket, with one of her hands sprawled across her stomach, and the other dangling towards the floor. At the foot of the couch, curled up on the grey rug adorning the hardwood floors, Navi slept soundly.

"Nix?" Sebastian called again, drawing closer as he listened to her steady breathing. She was fast asleep. Sebastian scrunched up his nose, a bit disappointed. He was hoping to speak to her, and he seriously didn't want to wake her when she looked ever so peaceful in her quiet slumber.

No, not peaceful, he grimaced as one of her inhales hitched. He pressed the back of his hand against her forehead. She felt cold, the frigidity sending a chill down his own spine. Looking around the room, he set the bouquet on a side table and reached behind her, where a white blanket was folded against her back and over the couch. He gingerly laid it across her, making sure to cover everything from the neck down. After surveying his work, he picked up the bouquet and headed into the kitchen, finding an empty vase below the sink and filling it with water. He placed the bouquet inside before finding a notepad and scribbling "FROM: Sebastian" across it and propping it against the vase.

It's 3 PM, he thought as he looked down at his watch. He wondered if she'd wake up in time for dinner, and made a mental note to visit Jodi since he was already halfway there. At the very least, Sebastian figured, Nix needed her mom and brothers more than she needed her friend.

He sorta wished he were Sam.

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