Foes, Forts, and Jellyfish

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Every time Sam stopped by Capricorn Grove that following summer, Abigail and Sebastian were always in tow. Sometimes Emily would join them, so long as she wasn't busy with her shifts at the Stardrop Saloon or making clothes for others at home– a part-time business of hers. Nix quite enjoyed having them around, and so did Navi, who seemed to love all walks of life (except squirrels... and ground moles). For every day that her friends arrived, the German shepherd greeted them with tail wags and barks, circling them and begging for pets. They were quite helpful too, agreeing to aid Nix with whatever farm work she had left for the day so they could hang out that afternoon. The extra hands were nice, especially on the days when her body was still screaming in response to her overworking herself the nights before.

They all had their own little jobs they liked to do as well, Nix noted. For instance, Abigail quite enjoyed collecting fruit from both the trees and the fruit bats Demetrius made little homes for in a cave near the cabin (though, Nix felt left out sometimes because she absolutely loved her little bats). Sam and Emily both enjoyed harvesting her blueberries– especially Sam, who would sometimes eat them as he worked. Meanwhile, Sebastian seemed perfectly content with tending to the chickens and cows with Nix. Sometimes, she would catch his watchful gaze as she milked one of the cows. It was odd at first, having his eyes always on her, but she was beginning to grow used to it. After all, he was just Sebastian, Sam's best friend. Her best friend's best friend. Sebastian was cool. Hell, he was even nice.

So... why was she still uncomfortable?

"What was the city like?"

Nix looked up from the pail she was in the middle of filling. Near the wall, Sebastian was busy putting out more hay for the cows. She responded with an inquisitive hum.

"You said you lived in the city since you were a baby," Sebastian reminded her. "What was it like?"

Nix frowned, soothing her antsy Karlo— the brown cow, who had begun to dig at the dirt with her hoof. "It was miserable. The only thing keeping me there was my mother."

Sebastian winced. "Is she... okay?"

Nix inwardly sighed, looking up at him and wondering why he was so curious. She didn't like discussing her mother. She told Sam about the woman once, but as she told him everything, she knew deep down that he was too drunk to remember the interaction. The thought was oddly comforting to her, like she was bearing her soul to a smiling, absorbent wall. "She has dementia. She... developed it when I was nineteen, and her memory just-" She snapped her fingers and choked back a bitter emotion. "She doesn't remember me anymore."

Sebastian froze, his neck craning towards the dirt floor. He turned to the bench, placing the rest of the hay down and smoothing it until it was even. Then, he stood on the opposite side of Karlo, draping his arms across her back. Surprisingly, the cow didn't mind this. "I... I'm really sorry."

Nix shook her head and tried on a smile. "You don't have to apologize. Things are better here."

Sebastian shifted his jaw with pursed lips, thinking. "Maybe... we can visit her?"

"Last time I visited her, she..." Nix trailed off, remembering the woman's words. The soft smiles and laughs. The name she beckoned forth that wasn't Nix's. The way she forgot her own daughter, mistaking her for...

Nix finished filling the milk pail and quickly carried it outside, ignoring Sebastian's suggestion altogether. He followed her, but he didn't press the issue. Instead, he simply grabbed the pail from the bottom and helped her pour the milk into a jug. His hand grazed hers; she chewed the inside of her cheek and kept her eyes on the bucket.

Abigail came back with a basket of different fruits, pouting at Sebastian. "You think Demetrius will give me some bats if I ask him really nicely?"

"Probably not," Sebastian replied monotonously.

Frogs in the Rain (Stardew Valley // Sebastian)Where stories live. Discover now