At Home With Your Dog

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Everyone loves spending time with their furry friend at home, but house training is a must when it comes to dogs. You have to make sure you have everything you need to keep your dog happy and healthy.

Here are some things you'll need for your dog at home:

-Puppy training pads: You'll need this for puppies. They don't automatically know that they have to use the bathroom outside, so you'll have to teach them that. While you do so, there will be accidents and times when they can't make it outside, so puppy training pads are very useful during toilet training.

-Food and water bowls: Your dog will need bowls to eat and drink out of, so make sure you have at least two of each. Stainless steel and ceramic bowls are the best choices as they're safe for your dog and easy to clean. Plastic bowls should be avoided because they an be harmful to your dog. A ceramic bowl is a lot heavier than a stainless steel one, so it would be harder for your dog to knock it over, but they are more fragile than stainless steel bowls. A stainless steel bowl isn't as heavy and is easy to knock over, but they won't break when dropped, are easier to clean and won't hold onto any harmful bacteria.

-A bed and blankets: Your dog will need somewhere comfortable to rest and to sleep at night. They will need a bed that is the right size for them, and lots of soft, warm blankets to keep them warm and comfortable.

-Clothing: Some dogs, especially dogs with shorter coats or smaller dogs, will need clothes to help keep them warm, especially during the winter. You can get sweaters, coats, and even little boots to help your dog stay warm.

-A dog crate, play pen and gates: These items are great for keeping your dog safe and in one place. Crates are a great item to have, especially if there is no one around to supervise your dog, like if you have to go grocery shopping. A crate will keep your dog safe and prevent any destructive behaviour due to separation anxiety. You can give them their favourite toy and blanket to keep them comfortable. You can even leave the TV on for them to watch. It's very important to start crate training with your dog once they've settled in.
A play pen is a great option for puppies, but is not a replacement for a crate. A play pen is a good way to keep an eye on your puppy as you're house training them and toilet training them. It's a way to keep them in one area and prevent them from possibly getting hurt when exploring the house before they are ready.
A pet gate is a good option for when your puppy has gotten a little older and is ready to explore more of the room. You can use a pet gate to block off doorways so that your dog isn't able to get out of the room.

-Toys: Every dog needs good toys to play with. Without these toys, your dog will get bored and start to damage items around your house, like chairs or shoes. Examples of great toys for your dog are rope toys, chew toys, balls, treat toys and puzzle toys. Puppies can't play with many adult dog toys, so make sure you get toys that are suitable for your dogs age.

-Treats: Training your dog should start early. Always keep lots of treats in the house, so that when you're training, you can reward your dog right away. Make sure to be careful about how many treats you give your dog, as too many treats can affect your dogs appetite and health.

All of these items will help your dog settle in to their new life with you and help them live happily in their new home.

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