Walking Your Dog

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All dogs should be walked every day, although if your dog is a smaller breed, a run around in the garden may be enough for them to get their energy out.

Here are some things you'll need when walking your dog:

-A leash: Depending on laws in your area, your dog will need to be leashed at all times unless they're in an area that allows your dog to walk off leash. This is for your dogs safety and for the safety of humans, other dogs and animals. Your dog will need to be trained to walk with a leash so that walking them can be a pleasant experience for you and them. Some dogs may pull on the leash as you walk them, so some may need training to prevent this. Some dogs will naturally walk calmly.

-A collar with identification and contact details: Your dog should always wear a collar when they're outside. If your dog were to get lost, when someone finds them they will be able to contact you. You can also attach your leash to the dogs collar, although it's better to attach the leash to a harness instead, especially if your dog pulls on the leash. If the leash is attached to the collar and the dog is pulling, the collar will push into their throat and make it difficult to breath for them. Even if they feel this way, they may not stop pulling. If you ever have to pull your dog backwards with the leash, having it attached to the collar can potentially harm your dog.

-A harness: You can attach the leash to the harness which will give you better control over your dog and will also prevent your dog from being strangled if it were attached to the collar. There are different harnesses for different things. For example, if your dog is a service dog, they might wear a specific harness when they're working. Even if your dog isn't a service dog, they should wear a harness when they're out on a walk with you. Your dog can have multiple harnesses, especially if they get dirty playing outside and the harness needs a wash.

-A pair of strong walking shoes: You never know what the weather might be like. It's always good to wear a pair of strong and comfortable walking shoes, especially for longer walks or walks on uneven ground.

-A treat bag: You can also do training with your dog outside. With all of those distractions around you, walking your dog is a great opportunity to show them how to focus on you and learn what the right things to do are. You can reward them for coming back to you when you call them, you can reward them for staying next to you when you're waiting to cross the road. These things may seem small or pointless, but over time, your dog will learn that you like it when they do these things and they will continue to do them.

-Portable water bottle or bowl: Your dog may need a drink during your walk, especially on hot days. Always make sure to carry a bottle for your dog to drink out of so that they can stay hydrated. You could also carry a collapsible bowl that you can pour water into for them.

-A dog toy: It's always fun to stop at a field or the park and play with your furry friend. You can play lots of different games with your dog outside. That way, they'll have fun and get lots of exercise. And you'll have fun too! Some toys you could bring could be a ball for fetch, a frisbee, a rope toy for tug of war and other fun outside toys.

-Poop bags: Your dog is likely to end up doing their business while on a walk with you, so make sure to have multiple poop bags ready so that you can clean up after them. Depending on where you live, you can get into trouble if you don't clean up after your dog.

-Light up or reflective collars or harnesses: If you walk your dog in the dark, they need to be visible to others to avoid accidents. Put a light up or reflective collar and harness on them when you go for your nighttime walks so that you and others can stay safe.

-A dog drying coat: These are especially great for dogs that love to jump into the water for a swim. When they're done with their swimming, you can wrap them in their drying coat, which will help dry them off and keep them warm.

-A spare leash: If your main leash ends up breaking or not being usable anymore, you can use your spare leash.

-A dog coat: If it's a cold or rainy day, your dog may need a coat to help keep them warm, especially if they have a shorter coat or are a smaller breed. This will make the walk much more comfortable for them.

-A walking bag: Having a dedicated bag for walking your dog will save you time when heading out the door. You can keep all your items for a walk in there, like the poop bags, water bottle, spare leash and others.

Every dog breed needs to be taken on walks. Walks also help encourage your dog to do natural behaviours like sniffing things. And taking them outside often will help them understand that they need to use the bathroom outside.

Depending on the breed, they will need a different amount of walks. For smaller breeds, one or two walks of 30 minutes to an hour each will be plenty. For larger breeds, they may need two hours of walks per day, or a shorter walk and plenty of time to run and play and get all of their energy out.

If the temperature is too hot or cold, then you shouldn't walk your dog for long, if at all. Walking your dog in high temperatures can cause them to overheat and get heat stroke.

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