Sakura: What's up with these hidden tombs? What are they?

Yamato: Even in death, the body of a ninja contains a wealth of information. To some, that knowledge is a goldmine. Remember your fight with Sasori?

(Y/N): He turned the body of the Third Kazekage into one of his puppets.

Yamato: That's right. The more powerful the ninja was, the more useful they can be. In order to protect the tombs from thieves and raiders, barriers are often set up, and they're built in secret locations. That's what we'll be dealing with.

Naruto: So I guess some really amazing ninja must be resting inside those hidden tombs, huh?

Yamato: Indeed. Especially these four. The information they hold is incredibly valuable.

Naruto: That's crazy!

Yamato: On the other hand, something else could be going on here. It's quite possible that the tombs weren't desecrated from the outside.

Naruto: Huh?

Yamato: In other words, those bodies came back from the dead!

Naruto yelped and jumped back.

Yamato: <laughing> Kidding!

(Y/N) chuckled and while Sakura sweatdropped.


Sai: <thinking> Yes. Naruto must have believed Captain Yamato's story.

(Y/N) and Sakura were both glaring at Naruto now.

(Y/N): Naruto! You're holding us up!

Sakura: Honestly. What's his deal?

The white haired male walked over to Naruto and grabbed him by the back of his vest.

Naruto: Gah! Hey, wait!

(Y/N): Let's go.

Naruto: Noooo, my leaf!

(Y/N): Leaf? What the hell?


It was now night. The group stopped by a small stone structure.

Yamato: This is the rendezvous point. A group from the Fire Temple will be arriving here to meet us shortly.

Sakura yawned and sat down next to the stone.

Naruto giggled and fake yawned.

Naruto: Oh, man. I'm tired too. Got to take a load off.

He sat down next right next to Sakura, lightly blushing. Their elbows were touching.

Sakura angrily pushed him into a tree.

Sakura: You're invading my space! Go sit over there!

Yamato: Hey! Take it easy. No yelling.

(Y/N) sat down in between both Naruto and Sakura. He stretched his arms and sighed.

(Y/N): Damn. I'm so freaking tired. I've barely slept these last couple of days.

Sakura: Why's that?

(Y/N): Minerva got drunk the night before we started this mission and kept me up all night long with her singing and dancing.

Sakura: Why were you at her house?

(Y/N): She made me what Akio will she went to a bar even though he's your age. Then she came back drunk.

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