"I already told you, I'm spending the night here and I have no intention of going back to the mansion just to argue with you, so speak your piece and then please leave."

"You know, little sister, I'm hearing a lot of order giving from you and not nearly enough apologizing." I stepped closer to her. Grabbing her arm, I dictated, "You're coming with me right now and we will have this discussion in our home with our brother present. With all you put him through last night, Alexandra, you owe him that much. Sono chiaro (Am I clear)?" I didn't even wait for her to answer before I started pulling her toward the door.

Looking kinda shocked by my statement about upsetting EJ, my little sister didn't fight me as I continued to lead her out.

"Luciano, I'm going home for a little bit. I'll call you later, love," she shouted, before I escorted her out the door.

After helping her into the limo, I sat down beside her and texted Elliot James that we were on our way and should be home within the hour. Lexie and I didn't say a word to each other the entire ride back to the mansion. We just sat in strained silence, each too stubborn to let go of the hurt and anger we're feeling.

As soon as we got out of the limo, my sister snapped at me, "Let's make this quick. I'd like to get back to my husband as soon as possible."

"I will decide when our conversation has reached its conclusion and then, and only then, will you be allowed to leave." Lexie rolled her eyes at me and pursed her lips in a disapproving frown. For the sake of family harmony, I'm going to let that slide. I know our father surely wouldn't have but I'm trying not to be so rigid when it comes to dealing with my siblings or my daughter.

Once inside, Lorenzo informed us dinner would be served shortly so I led my sister straight into the dining room. Claire and EJ we're already there waiting for us. Tabling our discussion for later, we enjoyed a pleasant meal as a family, making small talk and discussing current events. After everyone finished their dessert, I dismissed my daughter to her room.

"I expect you to finish up your homework and then go straight to bed. You missed enough sleep last night."

"Daddy, no," she whined. "I want to stay down here while Aunt Lexie tells you about her surprise."

"This discussion is adults only. No brats allowed," EJ admonished Claire.

"Daaaaddy," she replied, in an even whinier tone.

"Elliot James, what have I told you about calling her that?" I reminded him, taking a sip of my digestif.

"Alright fine," he replied, turning towards Claire. "This is an adults only discussion. No children allowed, regardless of their ability to be incredibly irritating and annoying."

"But, Daddyyyy," Claire stood her ground, pouting and crossing her arms.

"No buts, signorina (young lady)," I replied sternly.

When she didn't move, I was about to address her but EJ beat me to it.

"Your father gave you an order, piccola ragazza (little girl), and you best obey it unless you want to get spanked bent over this table. Capiscimi (Understand me)?"

Claire remained rooted to her seat until he began unbuckling his belt.

"No," she cried out, jumping to her feet. "I'm going. Don't, Uncle EJ!" She covered her bottom as she went by him.

"I'll be up in a bit to speak with you about your consequences for sneaking out last night, mia figlia (my daughter)."

"Tony, that's not fair, this was all my doing," Lexie interjected, seeing Claire's sad little pout.

Holding up my hand to silence her, I said, "That will be taken into consideration but you are not entirely blameless, young lady. Leaving without informing me or your uncle and not taking your phone to boot, put your safety in jeopardy and that will not go unpunished. Now do as I say and get up to your room."

"Si signore (Yes sir)," my sweet girl replied, respectfully this time.

I'm not going to be hard on her for going with her aunt. As long as she keeps her mouth in check when I come up to speak to her and she can recognize what she did wrong, her only punishment will be going to bed early tonight. After I was satisfied Claire was out of earshot, I turned to address my little sister.

"Alexandra, I'd like you to explain to Elliot James now what motivated you to sneak off in the middle of the night with my daughter in tow and cause us so much worry."

"I never meant to worry you EJ, or you, Tony. That wasn't my intention and I certainly didn't mean to get mia dolce nipote (my sweet niece) in trouble either."

"Then why didn't you tell us?" EJ asked.

"Would either of you have let her come with me if you knew I was taking her to stand up with me at my wedding to Luciano?"

"No," EJ stated flatly.

"Don't be absurd, of course not," I replied, getting angry all over again. "I wouldn't have even let you go if I knew that's what you were planning, let alone allow you to drag my daughter into it as well."

"Well, then it looks like I made the right decision. Now doesn't it, Brothers?"


EJ slammed his hands down on the table so hard, she jumped.


"He didn't die, he was killed. Please don't belittle the sacrifice he made to this family by downplaying what happened to him," she said sadly.

My heart immediately softened seeing Lexie breakdown in tears thinking about our father.

"Vieni qui, sorella (Come here, sister)," I said, opening my arms to her.

Reluctantly, she stood and accepted my embrace.

"I just miss him so much, brother. I don't know what to do. I'm so sorry I worried both of you and got Claire in trouble. I haven't had an easy go of things since we buried him. I just can't think straight. Between the pregnancy hormones and my grief over Father, it's just been too much for me."

Sighing as he took pity on our fragile sister, EJ said, "We're here for you, sorella (sister). You can lean on us. We can help. Father's passing has been hard on us as well."

"Elliot James is right, Alexandra. You're not alone in this. We know what you're going through." Handing her my handkerchief so she could dab her eyes, I held her tighter. "Mi manca anche lui, piccola (I miss him too, baby)," I said softly, as I gently swayed her in my arms. "Così così tanto (So so much)."

Family: Out of BusinessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon