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Stefano's pov

Looking down shyly, she replied, "Si, Nonno (Yes, Grandfather), Uncle EJ spanked me last night for what he called an unacceptable attitude."

"Hmmm," I patted her knee before guiding her chin to me. "Now why would that be, Tesoro (Sweetheart)?"

"Non lo so, Nonno (I don't know, Grandfather). I just said he needed to stop telling me what to do since that position was filled and we weren't accepting any other applicants," she replied so sweetly, I couldn't help but laugh, inspite of the punishment-worthy brazen cheekiness she displayed towards my son.

God, I'm going to miss this, I thought as I suppressed a grin to address my naughty granddaughter's behavior toward Elliot James.

"Nipotina (Granddaughter), is that any way to speak to your uncle?" I questioned somewhat seriously as it was difficult to hide my mirth at her sassy response to my boy.

"No, I guess not, Nonno (Grandfather), but sometimes Uncle EJ just brings it out in me."

"That is no excuse, Francesca," I said firmly, despite inwardly smirking. "You know better than to speak to your uncle that way, Bambina (Baby girl). It sounds to me that spanking you received was most certainly justified. Now wasn't it?" I patted her bottom gently and smiled so she would know I wasn't angry or upset.

"I suppose I deserved it, Nonno (Grandfather), but maybe Uncle EJ shouldn't call me a brat all the time if he doesn't want me to act like one."

I laughed heartily now as I pinched her cheek.

"Forse è vero (Perhaps that is true)," I replied, patting her bottom a little more firmly this time in warning, "but you still need to mind your uncle and be respectful when speaking to him. Sono chiaro, Signorina (Am I clear, Young lady)?"

"Si signore (Yes sir)," she replied appropriately.

She really is a good girl. Anthony, Alexandra, and Elliot James have done a wonderful job parenting her since she's come into our lives.

"Buona (Good). Now let's discuss the original reason I needed to speak to you, Nipotina (Granddaughter)."

"About you going away, Nonno (Grandfather)?"

"Si (Yes). I'm afraid I have to go away for a long while, Nipotina (Granddaughter), and I must go alone, otherwise I would surely have you join me, as I so love and cherish your company." My heart is breaking having to say goodbye to mia famiglia (my family). Everything I have ever done has been for their benefit. They are always at the forefront of my mind, with each decision I make and every breath I take. A patriarch always puts his family first.

"How come you have to go alone, Grandfather?"

"Well, Tesoro, (Sweetheart), this is something I must do by myself but I have a very important job for you to do while I'm gone. That is why I needed to speak to you privately. Va bene (Ok)?"

"Si, Nonno (Yes, Grandfather). Cosa volete che faccia (What do you want me to do)?"

Pinching her cheek and smiling, I replied, "Grazie per aver usato il tuo italiano, mia dolce ragazza (Thank you for using your Italian, my sweet girl). You have a most important mission to carry out while I am away, Francesca, but you mustn't tell anyone about it."

"Is it a secret mission, Nonno (Grandfather)?"

"Si, Nipotina, è una missione molto segreta (Yes, Granddaughter, it is a very secret mission)."

"What is it?" she asked in awe, her eyes wide as saucers.

"You, my beautiful girl, are in charge of taking care of my children while I am away. Your father, your aunt, and your uncle. Capisci (Understand)."

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