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Claire's pov

"I'm writing, Daddy," I said, quickly taking a seat at my desk. If my butt's in this chair, it's not over my dad's knee and I'd like to keep it that way. "See." I picked up a pen and grabbed some notebook paper.

"You now have two hundred fifty lines to write, piccola ragazza (little girl)," my dad replied, leaning over my shoulder. "Lose the attitude," he hummed in my ear.

I gasped, turning to look him in the eye and protest his added punishment, until I saw the fierce determination on his face. I quickly returned my focus back to my writing assignment, suddenly very grateful the pen is mightier than the sword.

Biting my bottom lip, I shyly whispered my apology, "Sorry, Daddy."

"You are a child, Francesca, and you will happily be micromanaged by the adults in your life, especially those in your family. You are not in charge, bambina (baby girl), and the sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be. Sono chiaro (Am I clear)?"

I nodded, refusing to look at my father as tears pricked my eyes, knowing my voice would betray my false bravado. I hate when he's so upset with me. It makes me feel like I'm such a disappointment to him.

He cleared his throat purposefully.

"Answer me properly and respectfully right now, signorina (young lady), or we will finish this discussion in the study."

Oh Hell no! I've already solved that equation. Discussion+study=painful experience. I don't need that right now.

"Si signore (Yes sir)," I responded quick as lightning, turning to face my irate father so fast, I swear I gave myself whiplash. There's no way I want to risk moving the location of this conversation to a less desirable venue. "Mi dispiace, Padre (I'm sorry, Father)," I added, apologizing again in Italian this time as I tried desperately to save my hide.

"Your uncle is the one you owe the apology to, Claire Francesca. I will be back in one hour to read what you've written." My father paused before exiting my room. "And let me warn you, it had better be well thought out and sincere, or you'll be doing the rewrite with a very sore bottom. Capiscimi (Understand me)?"

"Si, Padre, ho capito (Yes, Father, I understand)." A cold chill ran down my spine seeing the anger etched on his face and hearing it in the icy tone of his words. My dad is not a man to be trifled with. He can be a real bad ass when he wants to be, just like all the Dimerra men. I think he's gotten even more strict since Grandfather died and he became head of the family.

I sat staring at the blank piece of paper in front of me for what felt like an eternity, wondering what to write. I don't even know why I have to apologize to my bossy uncle, other than the fact that if I don't, I'll get my butt beat. I started writing my lines in hopes of acquiring some inspiration. My dad still has my phone so I'm not sure how long it's been since he left.

After writing, Rispetterò mio zio (I will respect my uncle) fifty times, I still had no idea what I was going to say in my apology. This is really boring and I still wanna go outside and practice my soccer kicks. I sighed heavily before slapping an empty sheet of paper down on top of the one I started writing my lines on. I might as well get this overwith before my dad comes back and spanks the living daylights out of me.

Dear Uncle EJ, I started to write, but that's stupid because I have to read this to him, so I'm not gonna say that. I crossed it out and started again. Uncle EJ, I'm sorry I disrespected you. Even though I don't think I really did and you were really rude to me by calling me names like usual and being super bossy and annoying. I can't write any of that of course but that's what I'm thinking. I should've listened to you when you told me to do my homework first before going outside to play soccer. Yeah right. You're the adult and I'm just a kid so you know more than me and what's best for me. Sure you do. I'll try not to argue with you anymore, or roll my eyes, or have a bad attitude. Definitely won't be successful at that but let's pretend it's a remote possibility, just for fun. For the sake of my father's blood pressure and my delicate behind, I think we should try to be civil to each other even though you don't like me. Yeah right. Civil? That's a joke. We barely tolerate each other.

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