Chapter 8

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Mi-ran's POV

Turns out my little act became the talk of the school, I didn't do much though. When his class was finally over I saw Lisa running towards me clutching her pink bag tightly.  "Yah!, are you crazy , you know if the teacher snitches on you ,your in big trouble " she said as she tried to contain her smile.

"Lisa darling, I'm a millionaire and I'm a badass fighter so even if I fail school,which I won't cause I'm one smart ass motherfucker.. I can just continue fighting "I said as I adjusted my glasses properly. She just smiled and nodded.

It was lunch already so we had no choice but to go to the cafeteria besides I really didn't feel like being dragged into a seat again.
When we arrived I sat by Yoongi and made sure Lisa and Jungkook sat beside eachother.  They're so cute!!!.

"Mi-ran,  congratulations on being the talk of the school, you better watch out. With an attitude like that and your looks you'll have all the boys swooning over you in no time" J-hope said as he smiled and slung his arm over my shoulder.
"Awww,thanks hobi " I said without a smile, I was too tired to do anything right now.

"Hobi,  we are best friends and all but if you don't remove your hand off her I will bite you" Yoongi said as he removed hobi's arm off my shoulder and slung his around it instead.

I was about to speak but was interuppted by a high pitched,bitchy, attention seeking voice.

"Won't you look at that, the slut has been on too much drugs lately she needs glasses to cover up her ugly face" Jinsoi said as she laughed and slung her arm over Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung cringed and quickly removed her arm with two fingers like she was some type of diseased cat.

Just when I was beginning to fall asleep ,I just have to be disturbed.

Great.  Just great.

I stood up and now the whole cafeteria had its eye's on us.

Yee fucking haw.

Now people are watching.


I took off my glasses and looked her slight in the eyes.

I slammed my fist on the table and she flinched at the sound" Bitch please, I'm pretty sure I'm prettier than you and better since I don't have to always be motherfuckin walking around in shorts shorter than my ass and I think the fact that you put on so much "expensive " make up on to hide your ugly personality is just sad cause we both know without  your daddy's money your just a useless piece of shit " I said as I looked at her with a cold expression. 
Tears began to well in her eye's as the whole cafeteria was too stunned to speak,  their faces filled with nothing but shock.

"Bitch, you better be joking right now cause your little drops of water ain't gonna do shit. Now get the fuck out of my sight, I'M FUCKING EXHAUSTED and would not like to deal with you right now.  So scarm before I make you." I said, my voice as cold as ice.

She left the cafeteria in tears while her minions followed her trying to calm her down.
I rubbed my temples in frustration ,closed my eyes and took a deep breath . When I opened my eyes I saw the whole cafeteria still staring.

"Whatt!!! You gonna keep fucking staring you dumbass motherfuckers, take a bloody picture it'll last longer!" I yelled and plopped myself back onto my chair . The whole cafeteria looked away and started whispering.
I put my glasses back on and took a long sip of my ice-latte.

"Damn Noona, your so cool " Jungkook said as Lisa agreed.
"Remind me to never piss you off" Jimin said and was followed by a few "Definitely " and " never ever".

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