Chapter 3

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The group has been teleported back into the woods, confused about finding out where the castle or the purple crystal went. The group wandered the woods for what seemed to be for hours until a certain tummy started to rumble.

"Uh, guys... I'm getting kinda hungry.." Jake looked down at his lower abdomen while rubbing his neck

"You are always hungry Jake! When do you not get hungry?!" Zander facepalmed

"I can't control my stomach, Zander!"

"It's fine! It's fine! We can stop and rest for a bit!" Hailey had enough

"Fine! Only for a little while! And Milly stop clinging onto Sean's arm! Just because you two are now together no need to show it to us!"

"Hey! You can't be talking when you like the same when you and Luke got together!"

"She does have a point, Zander..." Sean admitted

"See, I told you! Now let me and Seany have our moment!"

"Again with the cringy nickname! Stop calling him Seany!"

"Zander, did you forget that I also give you nicknames as well?"

"Luke, you are supposed to be on my side!" Zander turned to his boyfriend

"Ha! Take that, you Grape!" Milly proceeds to cling to Sean's arm more while kissing him on the cheek.

"Wait! Guys, do you hear something?" Hailey heard some shuffling from the bushes

"What is it now? It is probably just Jake's stomach again" Zander rolled his eyes

"No, that wasn't my stomach, Zander."

"I think someone is watching us..." Hailey told

"Everyone get your weapons out... keep your eyes sharp," Luke said

Everyone proceeded to grab their weapons searching around for where the noise could be except for Milly who was too busy clinging to Sean's arm.

"MILLY! Stay focused, will you?! And let him go!" Zander yelled at her but while whispering

"NEVER!! HE'S MY HERO—" Milly soon got hit in the back of her head by a group of mysterious people.

"OW! WHAT THE-!" She rubbed behind her head

The group of mysterious people proceeded to jump in the air shooting magic missiles at the group of teens.

"EVERYONE! WATCH OUT!" Luke shouted

They all tried to dodge the missiles from the air, but the magic from the missiles was very powerful, causing them to lose their vision while the people began to take them somewhere.

Sean and Milly blinked to gain their vision and saw that they were in a jail cell together with metal chains on their wrist and backs toward each other. The walls were gray, stone bricks and very still, the floor was a mixture of rock, dirt, and grass, the door was made of steel bars that were old and rusty, and the only thing they have is a wooden bed and a window that shows a jail cell next to theirs. They both looked around to see if the others were around but it was just them.

"Huh?! Where are we, Sean?!" Milly asked in a panic a little

"I don't know, I think we got captured..." He responded

"And chained up too! We have to get out!" Milly tried to get up but was pulled down by the chain on her wrist

"OW! Watch it!!"

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