Chapter 11

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The gang were finally united with Milly and a new friend Daisy, but they were still missing one more person...Sean...Milly was very worried about him. She feels like Jake and Hailey were hiding from them and everyone else. It can't be anything too bad, right? Until, Luke suddenly heard something off that was near them.

"Guys? You may wanna look up.." He said as everyone looked up in the sky, seeing four black figures

"Great! More bats!" Zander scoffed

"Come on y'all, let's deal with these creeps!" Milly spreader out her wings as she flew up into the sky

The bats soon were above the group as they began to attack them. Micheal wanted to help their kids and everyone else so he paired up with Hailey and Jake. Obviously, Luke and Zander paired up with each other. Milly and Daisy were paired up but Milly handled the one in the air while Daisy felt like she couldn't do anything so she just watched her, being aware just in case she falls.. They were all doing well until Milly took the wrong move and she was now falling down.

"MILLY!" Daisy called her name

"U-Ugh! I'm f-fine!" Milly managed to sit herself back up as she saw the bat flying towards her. Milly was worried to death until some crystal shards killed the bat.

"What the?" Milly was confused for a sec and looked who was in front of them, someone very familiar.


Milly couldn't believe it was Sean who rescued her. Sean soon brings out his hand as Milly grabs it. Just until he swings her above his head 360 degrees and throws her back on the ground.

"SEAN WHAT THE HELL?" Milly shouted

Sean didn't listen as well as not responding but instead, he just walked up to her as his talons started to show and the crystal shards popped off from his arms.

"Sean..? What are you doing..?"

Micheal, Hailey and Jake were finishing with their bat as they turned over to where Milly was walking backwards with Sean in front of her.

"Guys, what is Sean doing?" Hailey asked

"Is that the hybrid boy?" Micheal said

"Sean! Stop!" Jake decided to play the hero card and picked up his sword as he dashed to Milly

"Jake! Wait!" Hailey tried to stop

"Sean, please...this isn't you! J-Just tell me what they did to you!" Milly spoke to him

As Milly starts to cry a little, Sean finally responded
"I'm gonna kill everyone...starting with you, demon..."

"W-What?" Milly was soon cut off by Jake, front kicking Sean in the stomach

"What the hell is wrong with him-" With Sean's super strength, he threw a rock at Jake which led to on the ground

"JAKE!" Milly ran to him

"Milly! G-GO!"

Sean pulled out his metal talons and began to run towards Milly as she flew up to dodge his approach which she thankfully did, but she didn't realize Sean was behind her as he punched her and she crashed onto a rock wall and landed on the rock ground. Milly was slightly groaning in pain while Sean walked up to her, grabbing her neck and started to choke her.

"Give me one single reason why I shouldn't squeeze the life out of you.." He started into her slowly dying eyes

"..S-Sean..!...P-please..!" Milly begged as Sean heard a female's voice in his mind, telling him

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