Chapter 8

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It hurts.... Why does it hurt?....

Sean was in an unconscious mindset of his own. He was surrounded by darkness and didn't know where he was. His eyes were closed as a pitch of fire started to fill the air, causing him to open his eyes. There he was, his home village caught in flames.

" home..."

Sean then remembered how the kingdom attacked his village, killing as many people as they could find, realizing the memory of Milly was that she was once human. Sean walked through the fire as people by him as if they didn't see him.

He kept walking through the fire until he hit something. He looked down and saw a dead body, but it wasn't a person

It was his mom...she lay there with a knife stabbed at her chest. Over the body of his mother was his father... the one who murdered his mother in cold blood. Sean started to grip his fist in anger as he ran towards his father with his fist in the air until... blackness again...

"W-What..? What's going on?"

"Hello, Sean."

A mysterious voice called in the blackness as a figure stood in front of Sean's view. The figure was wearing a black cloth which resembled the black area as they slowly pulled down their cover to reveal... a white-haired man with green emerald eyes smiling at Sean.

"Wait are you..."

Sean knew he had seen this man before, in the stories of Lord Rosy mentioned one particular person who looked similar to him... that's right... Rosy's (used to be) lover... before being corrupted by evil and sealed away in a mysterious chamber. He revealed his name as Jason.

"Yea, it is I..." He looked at him

"But... how... you have been sealed away 1000 years ago, in that chamber... how did you escape..?" Sean was confused

"Well... remember that cursed magic that infected you? It turns out that cursed magic used to be part of my blood. So when I found out someone has used some of my cursed magic and infected someone, I could finally travel out of that chamber and trap my spirit inside your body instead, but I can't hurt you since I'm just a spirit." Jason stated

"That's impossible! Cursed magic has been draining me the whole time!"

"You must be wondering why I choose you out of all people... well you are quite the strong hybrid, Sean. You managed to surpass my cursed magic for more than 5 days... that is a new high score record."

"Usually people only last about 3 days max but you however passed that. Your spirit is strong, Sean and I want that Spirit."

"What can you do with my spirit? What if I need it?"

"Oh don't worry, you will still be alive, it's just that, without your spirit, you won't be able to control your body since hehe... I will be the one controlling... but don't worry! I will give it back I promise!"

"I'm not buying this, you must be up to something..."

"Oh, you can trust me I promise! I am a very good person I swear!"Jason pressed his hand on Sean's shoulder which he slapped away

"If you were so nice, then why did Rosy seal you away?" He yelled. Jason was silent for a moment before changing the black void into another memory of Sean.

"Remember your friends? You are probably so worried about them, aren't you? Just think about what I could do to your friends..."

"You...You would never!"

"I would...but you don't have to worry about a thing if you let me have your spirit..."

Sean knew he shouldn't trust this guy especially when his whole persona was just sketchy. Jason knew what Sean was thinking and snapped his finger, going back to Sean's memory and showing his mother on the floor dead with his father above his mother's body.

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