Chapter 2

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Sean and Milly wandered through the forest, looking for the abandoned castle Hailey mentioned before. According to history, the castle had rumors that it belonged to the legendary King of the North and had a book called the book of nobles. The King of the North used to be generous in the kingdom, but after some of the guards he hired got on his bad side, he eventually turned evil and burned all the villages nearby. Afterward, the King disappeared without no warning until he passed away.

One century passed and the people were able to rebuild their homes and the kingdom got themselves a new king. People say one day, the King of the North might be planning his next attack and it may be a lot bigger than before. It looks like it might be coming true with this quest.

"Ugh! Are we there yet?" Milly wailed

"Not yet, we have about a few more miles left..." Sean who was holding the map

"UGGGH!! I'm so tired I can barely move!"

"Well, you wanna take a break or something?"

"Yes! God my legs are killing me!" Milly walked to a tree and leaned on it

"Take a break for a little while, but we can't stand out here for too long..."

"Oh yeah, because a giant creature is gonna come out and eat us again like that time in that cave."

"I mean, you never know, these woods are pretty dangerous, and of course, your high-pitched screams."

"Shut up! At least my screams can scare away something that comes near!"

"Yeah, sure it can scare away things..."

"You think I can't scare anything away? Watch me scream very loud!"

"Wait! Milly! Don't do it!!"

Milly didn't want to listen to Sean's begging words and she screamed in a squeaky high tone, making Sean cover his wolf ears since they were sensitive to loud noises.

"God damn Milly! That hurt my ears!"

"Haha! Told you I can scare things!" Milly said as she patted Sean's head

Sean: "Yeah, I suppose you're right..." He blushed

"Hm, it's getting dark, I guess we have to stay here for the night.."

"Yeah, I can set up some things for us."

"And I will get some wood!"

"Okay let's do it!"


Milly started to collect wood as Sean set up the camp set. Milly was busy collecting wood until one chunk of wood rolled down into the forest.

"Oh no! The wood! Come back here!" Milly yelled as she ran into the forest

"Milly! Don't go too far out!!" Sean warned

"I'm gonna be fine Sean don't worry! Now, where is that wood?"

"Hope she'll be okay, can't let anything happen to her..."

Milly finally found the wood until she was stopped by a rabbit grabbing the wood.

"Damn it! My wood! I'm not letting you steal my wood!"

The rabbit kept snagging the wood away from her hand.

"Stupid rabbit gimme that wood!"

Milly tried to grab the wood from the furry creature until Milly accidentally stepped on the rabbit's tail. The rabbit dropped the wood and started to growl at Milly.

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