Chapter 14

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Nandini's pov

I just finished reading the love hypothesis and let me tell you, I would kill to be with an Adam Carlsen, he is so freaking hot and that one chapter ahhhhh I cannot even.

Putting it away I grabbed another book from the twisted series, it is twisted love, the first one in a series of 4. I was gonna start reading it but I looked at my phone first to see if there were any updates from manik but there weren't

It was 7 and I still hadn't heard anything which was worrying me but I also didn't wanna call him and disturb whatever he was doing.

"Nandini" nava yelled


"Nandini lets go, cabir called he was super stressed and I don't know but he said to bring you with me and to hurry" she said

"Is everything okay" I asked running down to the door putting on my shoes

"I don't know but he didn't sound okay" she said locking the door

I didn't even grab my phone or a jacket. We both ran towards the college

"Where is he" I asked

"Basketbal court" she said

As soon as I heard that I knew something was messed up not in terms of cabir but manik.

We ran to the basketball court and as soon as we entered I saw manik on the ground, his eyes were closed and tears were running down his cheeks.

That wasn't even the scary part, it was the fact that cabir was rubbing his back and hand but manik had no reaction to it. It looked like he had given up, his face adn arms were pale.

I ran to him sitting in front of him.

"Nandini he won't breath, just please get him to breath, I tried but he, he won't. He can't see" cabir cried

Hearing him crying navya pulled him in a hug.

"Manik" I whispered trying not to cry

"Nan" he was trying to breath

I grabbed his hands interlocking out fingers becasue it always calms him downbeat it wasn't working very well

I moved from in front of him to behind him.

"Cabir pull his legs out" I siad and he did

I made manik lay the back of his head on my chest, I entwined my leg hand with his.

"Manik I need you to breath"

"I I t"

"I know you are trying, I can see that and im so proud of you" I said and his hold tightened on my hand

"Can you feel me breathing" I asked and he nodded

"Follow it, try breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth"

"Manik please" cabir said crying

Hearing him breaking and crying, manik started hyperventilating more

"Cabir I need you to clam down please, I need you to stay calm for him so he can calm down seeing you calm" I siad

"Cabir shh it's okay" navya said rubbing his back

"Cabir come up here" I said and he immediately sat infant of manik pulling him in a hug

I was hoping that would calm manik down but I was wrong because he was still not breathing normally

"Nandini please help him" cabir said pulling back

I was starting to get more scared seeing him so unresponsive even after cabir hugged him

I sat in front of him pulling him to my shoulder, his face rested in my neck as I rubbed his back.

"Breath in through your nose" I said and it took him a couple tries to but he did

"Put through your mouth" I guided and he did

"Follow how I breath, you can feel it right" he nodded and he started picking up on my breaths

He took a breath in when I exhaled. A good 15 minutes later his breathing was shallow but it was going back to normal I could tell.

"Manik you are okay, everything is going to fine. I jsut need you to let it go please" I whispered in his ear

His arms wrapped around my back making me kiss his head.

"Nan-nandini" he hiccuped a little

"Han manik"

it wasn't that he was asking me a question, that ws a way to ask if im still there with him.

"Can you see" I asked pulling back a little

He opened his eyes and blinked a few times. He looked at me nodding.

I leaned froward and rested my forehead against his, he closed his eyes and I rubbed his chest to calm him down.

I looked at cabir while manik put his face back in my neck holding onto my back tightly as if I would disappear.

"He is fine cabir, jsut relax" I said seeing him so worked up too and he shook his head

"Manik where are your keys" I asked

He didnt say anything

"Are they in your gym bag" I asked and he nodded

"Cabir can you drive" I asked and he nodded

He grabbed Manik's bag and go his keys out, he also grabbed manik's basketball and his phone

"Manik come on lets go home" I said and he shook his head

"I I don't wan-want to go any-where" he siad slowly

"No we have to go home" I said pulling back from him a little

He looked at me, he was trying to say he is hurting, he didn't wanna move becasue he thinks he would break even more but he doesn't know that I won't let him break

"You are okay" I said holding his hand

I got up and he got up too but he tripped a little making me grab him. Cabir came and held onto his other side, we all got to the car and cabir and navya sat upfront while manik sat with me in the back. He had his head rested on my shoulder the whole time.

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