Chapter 35

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Manik's pov

We got to her house in mangalore and honestly I love it. It's vintage but modern and it definitely doens't look like a villagey house.

"Welcome home jaan" I whispered kissing her cheek from behind as my arms wrapped around her little frame

"Manik this is where I lived, ams, Amma, appa. All of us" she chirped

"I love your house darling, show me your room" I said kissing her cheek again

"Yes come on" she said grabbing my hand

I love how happy she is, she has this grin as she explained what everyhting in her room means.

Her room was exactly like the one in our house currently. There was a bookshelf with some books, a jar of fireflies like the ones at home and some papers.


"Han baba"

"You like it" she asked grinning

I sat down on her bed and nodded opening my arms. She walked closer to me, I pulled her towards me making her sit on my lap

"I absolutely love it" I said kissing her cheek

"I am glad hehe I can make some food" she said

"Don't worry about it, cabir already ordered some"

"He did"

"Ya for us"

"Why not them" she asked

"Cabir is going out with navya to show her his house"

"Oh" she pouted

"And I have a surprise for you baby"

"Surprise, what surprise" she asked resting her head against my face

"Surprise my love, jsut wait"

"How long"

"Umm go change into comfy clothes and ill go close the front door kay"

"Yes" she mummbled

I kissed her cheek, and went down to see navya and cabir walking out

"Oye when are you coming back" I asked

"In the morning, don't worry we won't interrupt your make out session" he said making me smack his back

"More like your sexual session" I said and he glared at me making me laugh

I closed the door once he left and grabbed our dinner since it was around 8ish. I walked up to her room and found her sitting on the floor with the jar of fireflies in her hands

"Amma I miss you. I umm I really hate that I can't hug you and appa I miss our science talk. You guys know about Manik right" she said and her fireflies glowed

"Yes yes Manik and I are umm pretty serious. I remember you telling me that one day there will be a Prince Charming who will sweep me off my feet but I never believed you Amma. I was wrong becasue I think I have found my Prince Charming. He treats me so well, I feel like a princess when im with him. Oh and appa I remember you saying that you have a letter for me I know I forgot to take it before but I will take it now. I just want you both and ams to know im happy with Manik, I really am so if you guys are okay with us please shower us with your blessings and love. Oh and Amma if you know manik's mom na tell her I said that I will keep her son happy always okay, oh and you guys should definetly become friends"

I teared up a little hearing her, this girl has my heart.

She didn't know I was listening and the fact that she asked her Amma to become friends with my mom up there is the sweetest.

"Jaan" I whispered going in

"Maniii, I was talking to Amma appa but see I found the letter appa left me" she said getting up from the floor walking to me

"Thats good darling, come on lets eat" I said and she nodded

She sat on the bed infant of me.


I hummed in response as she put on a show for us to watch since her room had a tv

"You think I can bring this with me back" seh asked pointing at her fireflies and I nodded

"Of course you can my love" I told her kissing her cheek

I fed her food while eating. It was silent but it wasn't awkward, she was making faces at the tv show while I thought about how im gonna say what I wanna tell her.

We finished eating and disposed of the disposable dishes. I was brushing in her bathroom when she came in as well and smiled at me

"I wanna brush too" she siad

"Of course come in here" I said and she stood beside me brushing

Once she finished brushing she tilted her head at me

"Yes baby"

"Are you gonna shave" she asked seeing my razor sitting on the counter

"Yes, I thought I should now instead of tom morning before out flight"

"Can I watch" she asked

"Of course my love, you don't have to ask" I said picking her up sitting her on the counter

"Manik do you think you and I could umm" she was fidgeting with her hands

"Talk to me love, what is it"

"I just wanna know if you see me in your future" she asked

I put my razor down and stood in between her legs holding her face.

"I do, don't ever doubt it. I have things I want to talk to you about but I want it to be not in the bathroom, it seems weird" I told her

"It does seem weird" she said giggling

"Umm hmm super weird baby" I pecked her lips

"I wanna see you shave" she said with a smile

"Wanna help me shave" I asked

"Umm not I don't wanna cut you, ill watch this time then next time okay"

"Sounds good baby"

I grabbed some Gell rubbing it on my face lathering it on. As I shaved, Nandini's eyes never left mine which was so sweet.

She wouldn't take her eyes off me and I loved knowing she was looking at me. I finished shaving and patted my face dry

"Woahh so smooth" she said kissing my cheek

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