Chapter 36

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"Come on my little one" I picked her up in my arms

"You didn't show me your parents room" I said

"Ohh yess, its over there" she said pointing at the end of the hallway

I walked with her in my arms, her head resting against my chest. She pushed the door open and i placed her on her feet.

She walked in and I stood there looking around for a second.

"My parents loved this balcony" she said walking towards it

I followed behind her and I kneeled on my left knee taking a deep breath

"I feel their presence in this balcony sometimes" she said

"Nandini"I whispered and she turned around

"Manik what are you doing" she asked

I reached out for her hand and she placed it in mine

"Its only been three months since we have known each other but I feel like it's been a lifetime. When you walked down the stairs that night and tripped over my bag, I was worried for you. When you pouted and told me you could have died form tripping over a bag I muffled a laugh. When you called me your grinch I wanted to giggle because no one had ever called me that. When you sat in-between my legs because I didn't move them I knew you were stubborn. When you cried because that night at the party you got scared I was shit worried for you. When your face scrunches in annoyance I feel bad for yelling. Every time I saw tears in your eyes I hated myself for being the reason behind them, I hated that I couldn't protect you that night at the party, I hated that I was causing you pain. When your fingers entwine with mine I feel like I can breath, when your forehead touches mine I feel calm. When your face rests against my chest I know you are listening to me breath, I feel alive. When your fingers run through my hair, I feel safe, when you yank on my arm to make me look at something I feel belonging. When you smile at me I feel like a lost puppy, when your eyes ask me how I am I feel cared for. When you laugh I feel like my chest swell with happiness, when your lips touch my skin I feel little firecrackers erupting in my body. Nandini in these months I have realized that I am nothing without you, without your presence. I am Manik malhotra the young businessman and basketball player to the world but to you I'm Manik, your manik. I knew I had feelings for you but now I know it wasn't just any feeling, it is love. Nandini Murthy you make me happiness man alive in this world. It is a bit early to ask you to marry me so nandini Murthy will you be my girlfriend?" I poured my heart out to her

tears well down her eyes to her cheek and some on my hand, she sat down pulling me in a hug.


"I love you so much nandini, I love you more than I thought I was capable of loving, I love you beyond one can understand love" I whispered

"I love you so much more manik" she sobbed in my neck

"Please don't cry"

She grabbed onto the back of my t shirt tighter as I rubbed her back

"I wanted to ask you in the presence of your parents so I just wanted to make sure that I ask you to be my girlfriend in their room or somewhere they have been"

"Thank you so much for making them feel included, I am glad you asked me in the balcony so your mom could witness it too" she mumbled

I sat down on the floor with her in my arms as we looked up in the sky.

"Im not sure what you mean" I said

"I know you love your mom and you love stars because you feel her presence in them and see we have both our parents around" she said holding my t shirt

Grumpy meets SunshineNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ