Chapter 26

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We got to my cabin, taking a huge breath we walked inside. There he was sitting there like the motherfucker owned the place which he didn't.

"Hello son"

"Whats up" I said trying not to show how pissed I was jsut seeing him

"Ohh civil, wow the lady has created quite an impression on you" he said

"Why are you here and do not lie"

"Files manik, I need them"

"Right, umm arun thanks bud" I said seeing him getting up

"No problem dude" he said going out

"Files, what files" I asked knowing exactly what he wanted

"Manik don't force me"

"Nandini come on, sit here okay and you can read your book" I said turning to her and she nodded clutching her teddy bear to her chest along with her book

I made her sit on the couch present in the cabir, she put her feet up and got busy in reading, I swear she is th cutest. She had fishy on her lap while she read.

"Yes files"

"You are staling" he said

"Oh don't think that, im not stalling at all. I will sign them right after you read over them for me" I said smirking

"What do you even mean" he asked

"Well I changed a couple things"

"Manik stop being a little"

"Watch your words" I warned

"You are being a fucking bitch, this is exactly why I wanted this company but no, your mother ruined it for me"

"She actually knew exactly what you were after, why do you think this company is called malhotra industries and not your last name"

"I made this company from scratch manik"

"Sir you did not, it was my mother's company and it was her hard work"

"She didn't do shit"

"Right of course, but how would you know dad when you were fucking random bitches"

I knew I had pissed him off becasue his eyes shot up at me.

"Did I lie" I asked

"You don't know shit manik" he siad

"Listen, I don't need to pull out footage of you right now, I have plans and those don't include you so I will sign these but make sure you read over it and know who the fuck this belongs to" I said signing the papers and giving it to him

He took a couple minutes to read the files but then glared at me

"Manik this doesn't even make sense and it's not fair"

"Take it or leave it dad" I said and he got up

"You will regret this"

"Try me" I said

He walked towards nandini and I immediately got up and stood in front of her.

"Hey sweetie" he said and nandini look up at him

"Hi, I don't want to be disrespectful but I don't want to talk to you" she said going back to her book

My heart swelled up with pride and happiness at her words. She was so sweet to him yet she didn't talk to him becasue I had asked her not to

"Okay well you have a good day nandini, and be careful of manik"

she pretended like she didn't even hear making me smirk at him

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