Chapter 2

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I cleaned up a little and put the pizza boxes in the fridge, we only managed to eat one and still there was a couple slices left which I jsut put in the other one.

I walked up and brushed. I grabbed one of 20 books that I advent started reading yet and sat with my glasses on. SO today's book was the love hypothesis which had like science stuff and workplace romance which is right up my alley.

I was engrossed in reading when I heard a noise, I looked at my phone and saw it was 1 in the morning, jeez I had been reading for a couple hours. I heard some more noises scaring me, so I grabbed my phone slipping it in my short pocket and a hard cover book I had read previously

You know now that im walking downstairs im thinking this book is gonna be of no freaking help to hurt a kidnapper or assaulter you know.

I tip toed downstairs and saw bags in front of the main door, there was a really loud noise making me jump a little but I followed the noise like a stupid idiot in horror movies.

"Oh my goddd ahhhhh holly shittt" I screamed when I tripped over something

"Woahh who are you" I heard a voice

"Ouch" I sat up rubbing my elbows

I looked up and found a very familiar face making me til my head a little to see properly

"Do I know you" I asked

"Girl you jsut screamed in my ears, so no wait hold on a second" he said turning the lights on

"Cabirrrr" I yelled

He is one of my childhood friends, almost like a brother to me. He used to live beside me when e were kids but then he moved away I think about 8 years ago, I had lost contact with him since.

"Nandu" he screamed back

"Shut the fuck up" I heard another voice making me look behind cabir

"Who are you" I asked

"Who are you" he questioned back

I couldn't see his face becasue his back was to be me but boy was his voice hot like umm like Adam hot. The character in my book broo

Like if Adam was real his voice would be like that, husky, raspy, sweet but almost forced

"Nandini" I siad msiling

He turned around and my jaw hit the frekaing floor, he looks so good, like a greek god with a hard defining jaw line, ummm his eyes were blank but so shaped and defined. His whole face is defined goddd is this what book characters look like

"Do you model" I asked

"Shut up" he growled

"Woah there vampire" I siad backing up

"Manik easy man"

"Whatever" he mumbled walking to grab his bag, the one I tripped over

"You should apologize" I said

"Why" he asked

"I almost died becasue of your stupid bag"

"Well use your fucking eyes"

"Rude rude human"


"Not a compliment and oyeee where are you going" I siad seeing him walking upstairs

i did not get a respond making me glare at his back but he didn't even turn around, such a rude kid

"Who is this idiot" I asked

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