In his perspective

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"Your boyfriend?" He asks in a sort of surprised yet disappointed tone. You nod.
"Shes dating that Eric guy" Stacy explains.
"Didn't you just meet him yesterday?" Aki highlights.
"Why do yoy care?" You ask. He looks at the ground, then at Stacy, then at you. "Because Im your friend" he finally answers but you could tell he wasn't being 100% truthful. He's jealous of Eric. Deep down he knows he wants you. He's aware it's wrong to date Stacy when all he thinks about is you. When he kisses her, he wishes it was you. When he pleasures her, he thinks about pleasuring you.

He knows he's wrong to expect you to wait for him and stay single. But he likes that, the thought of him running to you made his heart pain with desperation. He isn't happy about you being with Eric because that means his deep desires can't come true. His desire to be with you. He just can't stand the biting thought of Stacy being his ex whilst he's with you. He's worried she'll say things to you about him-awful, exaggerated stories that will change your view on him, make you think he's some sort of monster. He stays with Stacy to stay close to you.

You are the driver of his actions though, he likes to feel like he has control over himself. He doesn't.  If he breaks up with her for good, he won't be allowed in Stacys home anymore, you live with Stacy. He fears he'll never see you again. That fear haunts him, it hurts him. You live in his best dreams but also in his worst nightmares.

He knows it's wrong to expect you to wait for him when you don't even know what he's truly feeling. He wants to tell you what he's feeling. But he knows he's wrong. But oh, would it make him feel so special if you were waiting for him. Sometimes he wonders if you think about him in the same way he thinks about you. Do you see his face when you close your eyes?
The feeling he's feeling isn't complete jealousy, it's mixed with disappointment. Disappointment from a crushed, twisted love story, fantasy he was the main character off, and you were his love interest.
You live in his dreams, but now he's living one of his nightmares.
In his mind he asks himself "Do I mean nothing to her?"

"Even if I do..."

"She means everything to me."

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