In His Home

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So the road trip carried on but this time you were heading back home after the hiking (Stacy planned the trip). And ofcourse Aki and Stacy started arguing again.
"Can you not Smoke in the car you dick." She insults.
"I'm not even smoking I'm just playing with it for when we stop somewhere." Aki explains.
"You know what..." Stacy says, you can hear the sudden tone of anger in her voice.
She turns the car, now you're on the route to Akis place.
"What are you doing?" Aki questions.
"Stacy can we just go home" You demand, tired of her bullshit.
A few minutes of arguing later...

Stacy stops the car by Akis apartment place.
"So you're kicking me out now?" Aki questions.
(Btw it's getting dark now).
"Stacy you're being unfair" You highlight, hoping she'll grow up for once, for just a second.
"Can we just go home" Agatha whines, longing to watch the final season of Eren Attacks.
"Let Aki stay, you are being so annoying right now" you protest, you don't want Aki to leave.
"You know what, it's fine, I'm more than happy to leave" Aki says, giving up on Stacy.
"Good" Stacy states, pleased with herself for no good reason.
Aki scoffs, not believing how childish Stacy is being right now.
He gets out of the car but before he closes the door, he makes eye contact with you and pauses for a second.
"Wanna come with me (insert name)?" He asks.
Ofcourse you did.
"why would I?" Stacy rudely and wrongly responds.
"I'm not asking you, I'm asking your sister" Aki highlights.
"Absolutely N-" Stacy was soon interrupted by you excitedly saying
"It's fine I'll come" as you were getting out of the car. Stacy fumes, you can almost see the smoke coming from her head. "I cant believe this right now, you know what-"
She then just speeds off, leaving you and Aki together.
"Bitch" Aki whispers out of anger as he walks towards his home, you laugh at his remark about your sister. You do love her, but she's annoying at times.
"You haven't been here before have you?"
He asks to which you shake your head to say "no".
He guides you to his apartment, opens the door and says
"Well, welcome, it's not much but it's comfy, make yourself at home". He starts walking off so you get really confused.
"You're not coming in?" You ask.
"No not yet I'm just gonna have a cigarette now" he answers.
You awkwardly nod and walk inside as he lights his cig and walks off.
After 10 mins or so, he comes back, the smell of smoke following inside, making you cough. "Sorry" He says after noticing your minor cough attack on his couch .
"it's fine *cough cough*" you reassure.
After that, he gave you a glass of water to help.
"Thanks" you say as you grab the glass from him, your hands slightly touching as you do so.
"No problem, its my fault anyway" he says.
"Ha Stacy would love to hear you say that" you mention, the slight gesture to Stacy reminded him he was in a bad mood.
"Yea no offence to you, but your sister is a pain in the neck" he vents.
"Yea I get you, shes like that sometimes" you agree. "You're better, you're chill" he says as he changes his shirt in front of you. You try not to stare. "Are you ok with staying the night?" he asks as he looks in the storage area and gets out a foldable mattress. "Yea" you answer. "Thanks for coming with me by the way, I wasn't sure if it was an uncomfortable request...You are my girlfriends sister after all" he admits.
"Its not like Ill come onto you or anything, plus we can hang out, as friends" you make clear. He smiles and nods. "I see how it is" he says.
"What do you mean?" You ask, wanting him to elaborate. He gives you a smirk.

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