Chapter 53: Tale As Old As...

Start from the beginning

"Now you and I both know that isn't true. The kid hasn't been himself since that morning. He walks around like he doesn't have a soul anymore. He spends most of his days crying, drinking and getting into fights. I'm worried that he might do something harmful to himself or someone else one day." He sighs and rubs his hands down his face. He looks back up at me with his eyes shining with so much desperation that it tugs on my heartstrings. "I don't want to lose that kid. He's the only family I have left and I owe it to my old friend to make sure that nothing happens to him. I want to help him but before I can do that I need to know what happened. And since he won't tell me a thing I only have you left to talk to."

Tears well up in my eyes and I cover my face with my hands. 

"He told me that he's in love with me," I cry. 

A sound of realization fills the kitchen along with my sobs. 

"I'm guessing you don't feel the same way about him."

My hands drop back to my sides and I look up at him with tears trailing down my face and new ones getting ready at the rims of my eyes. 

"He has only ever been a friend to me. I don't know when he started feeling this way about me let alone why he loves me. I had to tell him the truth right? I couldn't stay quiet and let him go along believing that he had a chance, right?"

He nods.  "You're right. You needed to tell him the truth. Things would have been a lot worse if you didn't."

"How do I make things better? Please I need to make things better I can't lose my friend," I beg surprised that the words came out through the choked sob. 

Getting out of his chair he walks over to me and sets his wrinkled hand on my shoulder. I manage to get a look at the skin around his wrist quickly noticing the elevated skin caused by the scar that Beast gave him. Closing my eyes I think back to that feeling that was bubbling through me in that room. That feeling that might be love. Could I love a creature that attacked a man like this? 

"Right now I think the best thing you can do is give him some space. Let me talk to him for a bit and then we'll take it from there."

I hate how logical that plan sounds. I want to talk to him again and make him understand everything from my point of view. But Gaston is right. He needs some time. 

I nod. "Okay, I'll give him some space. Should I find another place to live then?" 

"We don't have to go that far. Just try not to bump into him while walking inside and it will be fine. Now," he playfully hits my back, "go have a bath you smell."

"I do not..." my voice trails off when I get I smell my underarms. I purse my lips and crinkle my nose. "Okay, maybe I do need a bath." 

"Yes, you do. Now go before you stink up my kitchen." I down the rest of my tea before getting off the chair and starting my way up the stairs. "And next time you go on a hunting trip try bringing back some meat!"

"I want to see you try to hunt in multiple storms!" I yell back while laughing. 

"I have and I was a lot better than you!" 

Our laughter fills the house and for that second I felt a lot better. Sure I still hate the act that I'll have to wait before I can speak to Adrien again. And yes I'm in for an awkward couple of days or even weeks. But, I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end. Or... at least I hope it will be. 

* * * *

As Dante slowly walks us toward his stable I'm surprised to see Beast pacing back and forth on the porch.

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