Chapter 7: Encounters with Knives

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I'm cooking again. Like actually standing in a kitchen cooking for other people. After Sophie and Pierre got home this morning, I very kindly asked them if I could work here at the inn and temporarily live here as well. Pierre took a little convincing, but Sophie managed to help me there. I swear that woman is a negotiator right down to her core. So now yours truly lives and works at Le Fou's which I am guessing is named after the man that Gaston mentioned last night. The only person who believed him about his attack. An attack from a seven-foot-tall beast.

Ever since my conversation with Gaston, I've been playing the story over and over again in my head. If such a beast does exist then shooting it down would be a massive accomplishment. Mind you the chances of it being alive are slim but if this thing is seven feet tall and doesn't match the description of anything I have ever heard of then it might still be alive.

The door to the kitchen hits the wall as it's violently pushed open. Fearing an attack of some sort I grab the nearest weapon I can find, which is a knife, and point it at the person who just barged in. With my knife raised in the air, my eyes rake over the person before me taking note of every aspect of them. It's a young man around my age, slightly taller than me with pale skin, a fairly muscular physique, corn-coloured hair, and almost deer-like brown eyes.

When he notices the large knife I have pointed at him his eyes widen and he raises his hands as if to say 'I surrender'.

"Easy there, louve."

"Who the hell are you?" I spit at him my voice laced with anger, mostly from the massive scare he gave me.

"I think I should be asking you the same question," he chuckles.

"Yeah well, I asked first."

He smiles at me. "You know this is a very unladylike way to act."

"Just answer the question before I do another very unladylike and stab you?"

His smile grows wider, I'm not scaring this man at all. "You must be Valerie. My mom told me about you."

My brow furrows in confusion. "Your mom?"


As the realization hits me that I have just threatened my boss's son I lower the knife and set it back on the table where I found it. My mouth forms an O shape and I use my hands to cover it.

"I'm guessing she didn't tell you about me," he laughs.

I can't speak I just shake my head. This is it. I'm gonna get fired for this. Can't even keep a job for a day.

He swaggers to the nearby chair and sits down "I'm sure if you keep your mouth in that shape it might stick," he laughs again. 

"Adrien, please don't disrespect the new employee," Sophie's voice comes up from behind me. I'm thankful for her help but at the same time, I'm waiting for the hammer to come down. 

"The opportunity was right there how could I not take it?" he whines.

What is this kid five?

"Didn't your father tell you to go help clean the stables?" Sophie says her hands clenching into fists and resting on her hips.

I like her, she's got so much power.

Adrien leans his head down and looks at his shoes that he is sweeping under the chair and out.

"He will just criticize anything I do, so I don't see the point in me going."

Sophie sighs and lovingly puts her hand on his shoulders.

"Sorry, my petit cerf,  but you don't have much of a choice here."

Thorn in the Rose {Book 1 Of The Once Upon A Time Chronicles}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz