Chapter 35: The Frozen River

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What was a comfortable silence filled with the knowledge of an evolving friendship has since turned awkward and it seems that neither of us knows how to quite break it

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What was a comfortable silence filled with the knowledge of an evolving friendship has since turned awkward and it seems that neither of us knows how to quite break it. I casually lean against the wall behind me and sway my foot in a way that it scrapes the floor while I look up into his eyes wondering if he will be the one to end this silence or if the responsibility will fall upon me. 

Suddenly, he clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck. "Were you about to leave?" he asks me after we spent what felt like hours standing silently in the dark passageway looking at one another. 

It seems that throughout the whole interaction with Belle and comforting Beast, I completely forgot that I was in the middle of rushing out of the castle and away from Maurie and Fabinnie's crazy theory that was still swimming around the back of my head. Looking up into his near-human-looking eyes, I wonder if they could be right. Could I be the reason the spell is breaking? Could I be of more help in setting all of them free than I initially thought? 

"I was, but now I'm not too sure if I'm ready to start the ride back." 


Cause I want to spend more time with you.

"Oh... my... um... leg. It might be getting better but it's probably not the best idea to move it around too much." I've never wanted to slap myself more than I do at this very moment. "Why did you ask?" 

"Oh... no reason. I simply wanted to know if you wanted to join me for a walk around the grounds. Like a personal tour." 

It seems like it was his turn to be awkward, and I'm sure that if he were human right now he would be blushing too. Maybe one day I'll get to see that. 

"You know I've already gotten a tour of the house right? From someone who hasn't tried to kill me." 

He shakes his head. "Okay, first of all, don't forget that you tried to kill me as well." I roll my eyes and nod. "Secondly, you got a tour of the house, but did they take you to see the gardens?"

They didn't take me to see the gardens. The last time I was in them was when I made the deal with Maurie to come over to the castle with the book which felt like aeons ago. I only briefly remember the decaying plants and the somehow still beautiful rose garden that I visited both in real life and in some of my recent dreams. Ever since I had that first dream of the garden and the possible human figure of the creature standing in front of me hasn't left my subconscious. I honestly still don't know what disturbs me more, the fact that they won't leave me or the sense of peace and comfort I feel when I'm in these dreams. 

"I didn't get an official tour of your gardens which makes sense considering they are dead." 

"For the most part, they are dead," he says while nodding, "But there are still some parts that I think you'll find to be quite beautiful. Or at least a normal woman will find beautiful." 

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